Remove noxious weeds

Visit #80330 @Scripps Coastal Reserve


Under Project # 47674 | Public Use

Knoll Maintenance Weeding

reserve_staff - University of California, San Diego

Reservation Members(s)

Isabelle Kay Apr 8 - Jun 24, 2022 (78 days)
heather henter Apr 8 - Jun 24, 2022 (78 days)
Kevin Murphy Apr 8 - Jun 24, 2022 (78 days)
Kellie Uyeda Apr 8 - Jun 24, 2022 (78 days)
Terrence Le Apr 8 - Jun 24, 2022 (78 days)
Melissa Liotta Apr 8 - Jun 24, 2022 (78 days)
Group of 2 Volunteer Apr 8 - Jun 24, 2022 (78 days)
Group of 1 Undergraduate Student Apr 8 - Jun 24, 2022 (78 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Mesa with Coastal Sage Scrub habitat and loop trail 7 Apr 8 - Jun 24, 2022