Amenities and Rates

picture of a reserve amenity

Mesa with Coastal Sage Scrub habitat and loop trail

Terrestrial portion of the Scripps Coastal Reserve. Accessible between 8 am and sunset, unless other special arrangements are made. Includes the main loop trail and area within. Use of the inner area should be described clearly in your reservation.
$0.00 per use UC rate $5.00 per use Non UC rate
picture of a reserve amenity

Sumner Canyon

Accessible from the Knoll loop trail. Requires special permission to access this privately-owned area.
$0.00 per use UC rate $10.00 per use Non UC rate
picture of a reserve amenity

Black's Canyon

South side of the Black's Canyon Road, from which it is accessible on foot. No trails, but there is easy access to native plants, geologic formations, etc.
$0.00 per use UC rate $0.00 per use Non UC rate
picture of a reserve amenity

Black's Canyon Road

Vehicle access along road to parking lot or beach below. By special arrangement; fees will be charged in most cases.
$0.00 per use UC rate $10.00 per use Non UC rate
picture of a reserve amenity

Sandy beach

North of the SIO pier (to Box Canyon), this is largely within the San Diego-Scripps Marine Protected Area. For any manipulation or study involving collecting below mean high water, a scientific collecting permit from the CA. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife is
$0.00 per use UC rate $0.00 per use Non UC rate
picture of a reserve amenity

SIO pier pilings

Within the SD-Scripps MPA. Vertical zonation of sessile intertidal organisms visible for study. Manipulation and/or collection requires a scientific collecting permit from the CA. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife.
$0.00 per use UC rate $0.00 per use Non UC rate
picture of a reserve amenity

Dike Rock

Andesite rock formation 300 m (1/4 mile) north of SIO pier. Largely within the SD - Scripps MPA. Manipulative observations or collecting requires a scientific collecting permit from the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife.
$0.00 per use UC rate $5.00 per use Non UC rate
picture of a reserve amenity

SIO Pier

Special arrangements for access need to be made.
$0.00 per use UC rate $0.00 per use Non UC rate
picture of a reserve amenity

Near-coastal ocean

Extent of the marine portion of the San Diego - Scripps State Marine Conservation Area.
$0.00 per use UC rate $0.00 per use Non UC rate
picture of a reserve amenity

Scripps Submarine Canyon

North branch of the La Jolla submarine canyon, accessible by boat or shore for diving and by ship for oceanographic studies
$0.00 per use UC rate $0.00 per use Non UC rate
picture of a reserve amenity

SIO Diving Locker

Requires scientific diving certification and special arrangements with SIO dive master.
$100.00 per unit/per day UC rate $200.00 per unit/per day Non UC rate
picture of a reserve amenity

Parking at SIO - week days

Request a code to use in the parking machine in lot # P003 $3/hour NOTE: you may park in lots 003, 004, 006, 007, and 008
$3.00 per use/per hour UC rate $3.00 per use/per hour Non UC rate
picture of a reserve amenity

Parking at SIO -- weekends

Request a code (see special needs) to use in Parking permit machine in lot #P003 $1.50/hour NOTE: you may park in lots 003, 004, 006, 007, and 008
$0.00 per use/per hour UC rate $0.00 per use/per hour Non UC rate