Monitoring for species status: We intend to set up no more than three stationary acoustic bat detectors for a single night, with potential for a return visits on a consecutive or future night if equipment fails. This is the first year of an anticipated long-term monitoring program. At this time funding is only secured for this year, so a separate entity may request access to complete these surveys in future years, if the reserve is interested in continued participation. The two-person crew (Christy and Jeremy) will wear masks, stay six feet apart, wash hands frequently, and follow all state and local COVID-19 guidance. They will work with reserve staff to select a suitable site for the detector near bat habitat features (water, edges, etc.). The detector units consist of an ultrasonic microphone attached to a 3 meter pole secured by rebar, guy lines, and tent stakes hammered into the ground, or by lashing it to a fence post or vegetation (setup modifications can be made to suit restrictions at each site, in coordination with reserve staff). The microphone is connected via cable to the recording device, secured in a small box on the ground. Detectors will be set up mid-day, left overnight to record, and retrieved the following day. Detectors emit no sound, record only animal and weather sounds (not human speech) and are quite unobtrusive. At the end of the season, reserve staff will receive a report detailing the bat species detected. These species detections and the GPS location of the detector will be openly available to many researchers within the NABat Program.

Visit #68118 @Merced Vernal Pools and Grassland Reserve


Under Project # 45176 | Public Use

North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat)

professional - Southern Oregon University

Reservation Members(s)

Christy Walker Jul 13 - 12, 2020 (0 days)
Jeremy Vandenberg Jul 13 - 12, 2020 (0 days)
Christy Walker Jul 14, 2020 (1 days)
Jeremy Vandenberg Jul 14, 2020 (1 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Day Use Only 1 Jul 13 (7 hours)
Day Use Only 1 Jul 14 (3 hours)