1. Pollination ecology and demography of Ocotillo (Peter Scott) 2. Social behavior and color signals of the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana (Diana Hews) 1. Ocotillo: The 2024 season will build on objectives of the 2023 season just completed (March 20-Apr 21). Demography: Having found 3 of 6 plots of ocotillos marked in 1987, I will renew my search for the other 3 plots, and check annual survival of plants found in 2023. Pollination ecology: I will quantify visitation rates to ocotillo flowers on 3 plots, and assess the effectiveness of the likely visitors (hummingbirds, carpenter bees) as pollinators by performing experiments that compare natural rates of fruit set to those occurring when flowers are outcrossed by hand. This will require waiting until fruits and seeds have matured. See last year’s application for more details. 2. Dorsal Darkening as a Social Signal in Side-Blotched Lizards Coloration play key roles in animals, including lizards. Many ectothermic animals can rapidly darken dorsal skin. Little work has examined possible social roles of dorsal darkening in free-ranging lizards, nor in a species with male alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs). I aim to conduct this study using the side-blotch lizard (Uta stansburiana), an abundant species. The color morph(s) have not been established for the Anza Borrego desert area. My overall hypothesis is that, under high stimulation of a social contest, Uta stansburiana can undergo rapid dorsal darkening, resulting in more brilliant blue dorsal dots and tail, that males (versus females) differentially use this as a signal, and different male morphs express the color change differently. The basic method will be to capture a lizard, take the body temperature, then take a series of digital images of the dorsal surface of the lizard over a 5 min period, while hand-holding the lizard, then record sex, throat color, SVL and release the lizard at the exact location of capture. I propose to work in areas on and near the Steel/Bernand Anza Borrego Desert research Center (SBABDRC). This would include both SBABDRC property and adjacent Anza Borrego Desert State Park (ABDSP) property. I would also seek to conduct this at a second and third sites, in the ABDSP.

Visit #84017 @UCI - Steele/Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center


Under Project # 49699 | Research

Pollination ecology and demography of Ocotillo

faculty - Indiana State University

Reservation Members(s)

Peter Scott Mar 31 - May 15, 2024 (46 days)
Diana Hews Mar 31 - May 15, 2024 (46 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Efficiency Unit 1 Apr 1 - May 15, 2024
Efficiency Room-Additional Users 1 Apr 1 - May 15, 2024