PIQE will present a series of interactive workshops at the Desert Research Center in Borrego to parents on Saturdays during the Academy - 12 total hours. This engagement workshop has been proven to be effective in educating, empowering and inspiring parents of K-12 children to take an active role in encouraging and enabling their children to : stay in school; improve academic performance; and develop healthy and constructive relationships with parents and teachers. A 2018 longitudinal study conducted by San Diego State University found that students whose parents participated in the PIQE Parent Engagement in Education program graduated from high school at a higher rate and enrolled in college or university at a higher rate than peers with similar backgrounds statewide in California. This training program was presented in Borrego in the past and anecdotal evidence from parents, teachers and school administrators was very positive. The PIQE proposal is attached. The workshop training program will cost $15,000. BASIC understands that for this to be successful there will be significant additional costs such as - supper; childcare; transportation; facility usage costs; and participation by some Academy staff. (Because of parent work schedules we will have to hold the sessions on Saturday late afternoons.) BASIC requests that the School District fund the $15,000 cost of the training program as documented in the attached proposal from PIQE. BASIC will manage the program and fund all the support services to make the training successful. BASIC's financial support for support services is budgeted as between $12,000 and $15,000.

Visit #78563 @UCI - Steele/Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center


Under Project # 33661 | Public Use

BASIC Reading Academy

k_12_instructor - Basic Assistance to Students in the Community (BASIC)

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 3 Staff Jul 10, 2022 (1 days)
Group of 40 K-12 Student Jul 10, 2022 (1 days)
Group of 40 Other Jul 10, 2022 (1 days)
Group of 3 Staff Jul 17, 2022 (1 days)
Group of 40 K-12 Student Jul 17, 2022 (1 days)
Group of 40 Other Jul 17, 2022 (1 days)
Group of 3 Staff Jul 24, 2022 (1 days)
Group of 40 K-12 Student Jul 24, 2022 (1 days)
Group of 40 Other Jul 24, 2022 (1 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Facility Rental 1 Jul 11 (4 hours)
Facility Rental 1 Jul 25 (4 hours)
Facility Rental 1 Aug 1 (4 hours)
Facility Rental 1 Jul 18 (4 hours)