In the Wild: Earthquakes & Fault Lines Instructor: Chuck Houser Most Californians live within 30 miles of an active fault. But what exactly is an active fault? This class will outline the process used to locate, evaluate, and characterize faults. Three significant Southern California earthquakes will be highlighted: M 6.6 Superstition Hills Earthquake of November 24, 1987; M 7.3 Landers Earthquake of June 28, 1992; and M 7.2 Sierra-El Mayor (Easter Sunday) Earthquake of April 4, 2010. Mr. Houser will also present some discussion of earthquake magnitude and how some of these notorious earthquakes compare. This field trip will cover the general tectonic regime of Southern California, namely the predominance of right lateral strike slip faults of the San Andreas system, and less frequent associated left lateral or normal faults, and how these faults are identified in the field. We will visit the Coyote Creek fault in the area of Desert Gardens north of town and Lute Ridge just east of town. We will observe several geomorphic features indicating the location of the fault in the wild. These include offset drainages, side-hill benches, linear valleys, closed depressions, truncated spurs, a beautifully expressed offset rock bar, and for the sharp eye, maybe even lines of vegetation. REGISTER NOW About the Instructor: Chuck Houser is a geologist and project manager with SCS Engineers in San Diego. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from San Diego State University from 1986, and a Masters degree from SDSU from 1997. His masters thesis was on the tectonic geomorphology and Quaternary history of the Old Woman Springs fault in the western Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County. He enjoys fly fishing, flying small planes, and mineral collecting. His most important job is husband to Cindy, and daddy to Julianna (26) and Jennifer (22). During his tenure as an officer with San Diego Association of Geologists, his field trip (the responsibility of the vice president of SDAG each year) was to the Borrego area. Schedule: Friday Lecture: 7:30-8:30 p.m. (refreshments provided) Saturday Field Class: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Visit #57936 @UCI - Steele/Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center


Under Project # 40978 | Public Use

18-19 Anza-Borrego: In Focus Series

other - Anza-Borrego Foundation

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Ashley Kvitek Jan 24, 2019 (1 days)

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Facility Rental 1 Jan 25 (2 hours)