Blue Oak Ranch Reserve
02 Nov, 07 PM - 03 Nov, 09 PM
As part of my senior thesis, I will need to collect Coccinellidae specimens for species occurrence mapping. Specimens will be used to address the research question: What is the current state of Coccinellidae diversity in California's Diablo Range, and how does this vary over time across elevational and longitudinal transects?
Visit #87245 @Blue Oak Ranch Reserve
Under Project # 54969 | Research
University of California, Berkeley Honors Thesis Sampling (RCNR)undergraduate_student - University of California, Berkeley
Reservation Members(s)
Rachel Wong
Nov 2 - 3, 2023 (2 days)
Group of 3 Undergraduate Student
Nov 2 - 3, 2023 (2 days)
Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice
Lodging - Studio Cabin, Cabin 3 - per unit
Nov 3 - 4, 2023
Lodging - Studio Cabin- Additional occupants
Nov 3 - 4, 2023