An attempt to replicate the process described within The Forest Unseen by David Haskell, professor of biology at Sewanee, this project involves the monitoring of animal life within a one-meter circle of Sierran forest. Rather than a systematic inventory of every species found, the aim of this project is more artistic in scope. Ultimately, I wish to portray the macroscopic organisms within a small patch of land as a microcosm for larger ecosystems. To empirically document every iota of life within the prescribed area would be impossible, especially within the few days allowed. Thus, the culminating notes, sketches, photographs, and art writ-large, will be more impressionistic than exacting. Yet, wherever possible, objectivity and accuracy will be maintained. The choice to include particular subjects will be subjective to the researcher, but those depicted will be true to form. As a credentialed scientific illustrator and experienced naturalist, I am well-practiced in research techniques and taxonomic delineation. The results of this project will be two, 1:1 scale paintings of the one-meter area including the mostly animal, as well as protist, life discovered within the established area. Individual drawings of studied subjects will be provided to the host facility for use in publications. Athropods may be temporarily caught and photographed before being released. All life documented will be kept within the two-meter perimeter.

Visit #29021 @Sagehen Creek Field Station


Under Project # 25529 | Public Use

Within One Meter

graduate_student - Mills College

Reservation Members(s)

Evan Barbour Jul 2 - 6, 2012 (5 days)

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