The objectives of this study are to determine the effects of different types and extents of fuel reduction treatments in conifer forests on vertebrate biological diversity. The desired outcome of this study is the ability to reliably predict the effects of different types and extents of treatments in conifer forests on various measures of biological diversity. Fuels reduction treatments can consist of a range of types and combinations of treatments, including different starting conditions (tree sizes and densities, fuel volumes by type), thinning prescriptions (the number, type, and location of trees removed and remaining), and reduction of remaining fuels (mastication, biomass removal, prescribed fire). All treatments involve the removal of biomass, but some treatment types result in greater biomass removal than others. This study will evaluate the effects of fuels reduction treatments as a gradient of intensities of treatments to enhance the ability to predict the effects of various planned or considered treatments at site and the landscape scales. Responses can be most effectively and feasibly measured at the site scale, but cumulative effects at the landscape scale will ultimately drive the effects on biological diversity. The study will quantify site-scale responses of various treatment types and intensities and then use these results to predict the effects of various landscape-scale treatment scenarios. Here is a more detailed study plan... Effects of Forest Biomass Removal on Bird and Small Mammal Communities in the Sierra Nevada Draft Study Plan March 5, 2010 Patricia N. Manley, Ph.D. USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station Davis, CA Introduction Concerns about forest health, energy conservation, and global climate change have led to interest across many institutions in the potential benefits of forest biomass removal to meeting these multiple objectives. The treatment of forest fuels to reduce the risk of severe wildfire is a major emphasis in wildlands in California and throughout the west. The unrecoverable cost of removing these fuels was previously a barrier to progress, but the growing concerns for public health and safety and the sustainability of forests are paving the way for change. The Healthy Forest Act has prompted an increase in forest management activities to reduce the risk of severe wildfire on public lands. In addition, research has been directed at investigating the potential for promoting markets for previously unmerchantable small diameter woody material. Finally, multiple large wildfires have occurred in California over the past five years, creating an even greater sense of urgency for forest management to reduce the risk of severe wildfire. The combination of these developments has the potential to result in extensive forest management across large landscapes to reduce risks. Extensive forest management to reduce the risk of severe wildfire could have significant effects on forest associated species, particularly species that are associated with complex vertical structure and high canopy cover. The recently completed Biomass to Energy (B2E) Project was initiated in 2004 by the California Energy Commission and conducted through a collaborative research effort led by the Pacific Southwest Research Station. The project quantified the costs and benefits of simulated forest biomass removal on a 2.7 million-acre landscape in the northern Sierra Nevada that included public and private lands (Nechodom et al. 2009). In that study, the effects of biomass removal on wildlife was limited to the evaluation of a few stand structural variables (canopy closure and average tree diameter) and associated California Wildlife Habitat Relationship (CWHR) System (CDFG 2002) determinations of suitability. The results of this study showed that the habitat characteristics on which the CWHR system were not a sensitive measure of the changes in habitat conditions resulting from fuels reduction thinning treatments (Nechodom 2010). The conclusion was the field-based measurements or predictive models based on a greater diversity of stand structural variables are needed to determine stand-scale effects of fuels reduction treatments and predict the potential landscape-scale consequences of various biomass management scenarios. Research in California and the west has been directed at the effects of fuels reduction treatments, but the primary emphasis has been on vegetation response and predicted changes in fuels and fire behavior. The few projects that have included a study of wildlife responses (have shown mixed responses within and among taxonomic groups. The primary limitations of studies to date have been as follows: ? In the past, silvicultural treatments studied were not understory removals intended to reduce forest fuels ? More recently, stand-level responses have been the primary scale of interest, but treatments are small (5-10 ac) relative to the scale of response of many wildlife species resulting in too few detections of most species, including many species of interest. ? Treatments associated with large-scale experiments are often delayed as a result of institutional barriers to the implementation, resulting in large investments in landscape-scale pre-treatment biological sampling with no ensuing treatment. ? Wildlife habitat classifications based on a few generic habitat parameters, such as the California Wildlife Habitat Relationships program, are an insensitive measure of habitat change resulting from reductions in understory vegetation. The Fire and Fire Surrogate (FFS) project (Weatherspoon and McIver 2000) is the primary source of published information on the effects of fuels reduction treatments on habitat and animal populations and communities. The FFS Blodgett study included investigations on the effects of thinning and/or burning treatments on birds, small mammals, carnivore habitat suitability, and invertebrates. The FFS Sequoia and Arizona studies included investigations into small mammal responses to burning and/or thinning. Few additional studies addressing animal responses to fuels treatments have been conducted elsewhere in the west over the past 10 years, most of which were funded by the Joint Fire Science program (a list of funded projects is available on the web, The Teakettle study included investigations of the effects of thinning and fire on chipmunks and squirrels (Sciuridae; Meyer et al. 2007). The Goosenest and Blacks Mountain studies (Oliver 2000, Ritchie 2005) located in northern California investigated the effects of thinning and fire on birds and small mammals, as well as vegetation, but published results on animal responses are limited (Oliver 2000, Ritchie 2005, Sperry et al. 2008). Studies in the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest have been conducted on the effects of even-aged management and prescribed fire on a wildlife (Pilliod et al. 2003, Bury 2004, Pilliod et al. 2006, Saab et al. 2006, Saab et al. 2007), and offer insights into the potential effects of fuels treatments. The results from studies to date are too limited to be conclusive as to the effects of fuels reduction treatments, particularly the consequences of broad-scale forest biomass reductions, on bird and small mammal species and communities. Objectives The objectives of this study are to determine the effects of different types and extents of forest fuels reduction treatments in Sierran conifer forests on the bird and small mammal species and communities. Vertebrate biological diversity is of primary interest, so biological sampling will target community composition, frequency of occurrence, and abundance of vertebrates at the stand scale. Songbirds, woodpeckers, and small mammals are the core taxa to be studied. Small mammals are closely tied to the local conditions, they are highly dependent upon overstory and understory vegetation, and they primarily are year-round residents. Birds are more mobile, but most species have relatively narrow environmental conditions in which they can successfully breed, and they are also dependent upon both overstory and understory conditions. In addition, birds and small mammals represent the majority of vertebrate species, they serve an important role as prey for most top carnivores, and they perform many regulatory services and other functions in forested ecosystems. Birds and small mammals are the primary focus of vertebrate sampling ? they are directly affected by treatments and have complementary sensitivities to the effects of fuels treatments. They also serve as the primary prey for upper trophic level species of special status in the Sierra Nevada, namely the California spotted owl, Northern goshawk, and American marten. There is wide-spread uncertainty (due to gaps in information) surrounding what is the proper balance of change that can occur in the habitat and prey of upper trophic level species, where forest functionality and vulnerability can be improved and where human habitation?s susceptibility to wildland fire can be reduced. Fuels reduction treatments can consist of a range of types and combinations of treatments, including different starting conditions (tree sizes and densities, fuel volumes by type), thinning prescriptions (the number, type, and location of trees removed and remaining), and reduction of remaining fuels (mastication, biomass removal, prescribed fire). All treatments involve the removal of biomass, but some treatment types result in greater biomass removal than others. This study will pursue the evaluation of fuels reduction treatments as a gradient of intensities of treatments to enhance the ability to predict the effects of various planned or considered treatments at site and the landscape scales. Responses can be most effectively and feasibly measured at the site scale, but cumulative effects at the landscape scale will ultimately drive the effects on biological diversity. The study will quantify site-scale responses of various treatment types and intensities and then use these results to predict the effects of various landscape-scale treatment scenarios (Fig. 1). I predict that bird and small mammal species associated with old-forest conditions (i.e., high canopy closure, large diameter trees, multi-layered canopy structure, tree decadence) and species closely associated with large diameter snags and logs will be influenced by the following factors, and that responses will be greater in drier environmental conditions: ? Negative effects with declines in o Vertical forest structural diversity o Shrub and herbaceous cover o Spatial heterogeneity o Large tree density o Large, soft snag and log densities ? Positive effects with declines in o Canopy cover homogeneity o Contiguous leaf litter ground cover Declines in biomass and carbon are predicted to have variable effects on birds and small mammals, depending on residual forest structure. I predict that similar levels of biomass removal will have a lower impact on species associated with old-forest conditions when residual biomass is spatially heterogeneous such that pockets of old-forest conditions are retained. The size and density of old-forest pockets required to retain old-forest associates will vary with the home range size and environmental plasticity of individual species. Conversely, I predict that homogenous and/or simplified stand structure will favor species adapted to more disturbed environmental conditions, thereby resulting in more homogeneous, less diverse bird and small communities. Study Design Challenges Fuels reduction treatments typically consist of several steps. Silvicultural treatments are typically designed and implemented to accomplish specific conditions defined by basal area reductions, canopy cover maximum reductions and minimum endpoints, minimum endpoint log and snag densities, and maximum diameter limits for removal. Treatments can be accomplished by various methods: mechanical whole tree removal, mechanical cut to length harvesters, mechanical mastication of smaller diameter (<25 cm) material, and hand removal of smaller material (<50 cm) material. Hand removal typically alters forest structure less than mechanical thinning, leaving a more heterogeneous forest structure than mechanical tree removal. In the case of whole tree removal, typically a minimal amount of woody waste is left on the site and there may be no post-thinning activity or the site may be burned. In the case of cut-to-length, merchantable logs (those that can produce boards) are removed from the site, and the remaining woody waste is typically left on site and either chipped and masticated. In the case of hand thinning, non-merchantable material typically is piled on site and later burned. In any of these cases, the site may or may not be subject to prescribed fire after these treatments are completed. More efficient harvest methods and markets for small diameter woody material would result in less woody waste being left in thinned stands. Multiple challenges face any individual study of the effects of fuels reduction treatments on biological measures: 1) the ability to obtain an adequate sample size of pre- and post-treatment data on treatment and control sites in a timely manner; 2) the ability to measure response beyond 1-2 years post-treatment where pre-treatment data have been collected; 3) the ability to represent a range of pre-treatment conditions; and 4) the ability to study the effects of a breadth of treatment types. The University of California, in collaboration with the US Forest Service, has established multiple research landscapes to address questions about the effects of fuels reduction treatments on fire behavior, forest ecosystems, and wildlife species of special interest (i.e., California Spotted Owl and Pacific fisher). This study is designed to piggy-back onto these and other existing fuels treatment research projects. This design has the advantage of collaborating with other scientists to apply data on vegetation and other environmental conditions to questions pertaining to biodiversity. It also has the advantage of selecting sample sites in locations with a high certainty of treatment in the next year or two. The disadvantage is that the location, type and location of treatments are pre-determined, so we have no control over the diversity of treatments within each landscape, and the specific timing of treatments is subject to a variety of legal and economic factors, and therefore is uncertain. Nonetheless, working in collaboration with existing studies provides the most efficacious and robust approach to investigating stand and landscape-scale effects of fuels reduction treatments on bird and small mammal species and communities. Study Areas Conifer forests that are most commonly the focus of fuels reduction treatments are those that are in close proximity to the built environment and where wildland areas are extensive such that ignitions have the potential to develop into high intensity fires. These conditions are most prevalent in California between 2000 and 7000 ft in elevation, and they are particularly prevalent on the west side of the Sierra Nevada range, the coastal and interior mountains of southern California. The Sierra Nevada is an area of high biological diversity and forest management will be a primary determining factor in the future of biological diversity in the Sierra Nevada. Two primary study areas will be established: one in the Sagehen Basin Experimental Forest (Tahoe National Forest) and one in the Sugar Pine SNAMP study area (Sierra National Forest). The primary study areas will be a priority for sampling and analysis. Two secondary study areas will be used to augment the study to the extent that time and funding allow: Lake Tahoe basin (Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit), and Stanislaus-Tuolumne Experimental Forest (Stanislaus National Forest). The secondary study areas are sites where similar studies are already in progress, and funding from this study could be used to improve the fit of the data from these sites to the objectives of this study. These four study areas represent a 400-mile distribution of locations from north to south and a range of elevations and moisture regimes across the Sierra Nevada. This study plan focuses on the primary study areas; planned and additional potential activities in secondary study areas are described in Appendix A. The Sagehen Basin and Sugar Pine SNAMP landscape are the locations of pre-existing studies designed to determine the effects of various types of fuels reduction treatments on forest structure, fire behavior, wildlife habitat, and hydrologic function. These studies offer a foundation of detailed and reliable data on vegetation characteristics, fuels, and associated fire behavior before and after treatments that can be used to model stand and landscape-scale responses of birds and small mammals. Sagehen Study Area This project is led by the University of California Berkeley, and it is designed to evaluate landscape-scale effects of fuels reduction treatments on fire behavior. Sagehen Creek is an Experimental Forest located on the Tahoe National Forest near Truckee, California, and as a long-term resource for the University of California, it has been the site of high quality ecological research for decades. The basin is located on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada and ranges in elevation from 1800 to 2650 m. Treatments are currently being planned to accommodate a diversity of objectives, including reduced risk of severe wildfire and restoration of old-forest conditions. Planning is in progress, and treatments are scheduled for implementation in 2012. Detailed ecological and physical data exist for the Sagehen basin, including both current and historical data on vegetation, birds, small mammals, and climate. Although planning is still in progress, the uncertainty as to exactly when treatments will occur is eclipsed by the opportunity to improve our understanding of the effects of current management in the context of historical conditions and how they have changed over multiple decades. Sugar Pine Study Area This project also is led by the University of California Berkeley, and it is designed to evaluate stand and landscape-scale ecological effects of fuels reduction treatments in the form of SPLATS (strategically placed area treatments). The project is located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada on the Sierra National forest in the 1350 ? 1700 m elevational zone (montane conifer forests). Planned treatments consist of hand and mechanical thinning followed by pile and burn disposal of non-merchantable material. Planning and environmental analysis is nearly complete, and pre-treatment measurements have been taken on vegetation, soils, water, and the fisher population. The opportunity exists to sample vertebrate biodiversity on these sites and work in collaboration with the science team to assess ecological responses ? initial and modeled over time. One limitation of this study site is that only two types of treatments are planned ? cut-to-length mechanical thinning and tree mastication, but the planned configuration, if implemented, would enable the evaluation of landscape-scale responses. A caution is that treatments are scheduled to begin in 2010, but they will continue into 2012, so the placement of sample sites will require careful consideration to ensure that sample sites are not disturbed before two years of pre-treatment data can be collected. Sample Site Selection Vegetation data collection has already been completed within the two primary study areas. A 0.5-km systematic grid was established across both study areas, and vegetation was characterized at each grid point following the same methods, consisting of standard forest measurement techniques (see Appendix B). Vegetation and fuels data were collected from 2006 to 2008, and pre-treatment fire behavior modeling has been completed (e.g., Collins et al. 2010). Existing site, vegetation, and fuels data for these study areas provide all the information necessary to characterize the primary habitat characteristics necessary to model stand and landscape-scale responses of birds and small mammals to fuels reduction treatments (see analysis section below). Each study area has approximately 200 sample points established as part of the systematic sampling grid. A factorial design will be used to test the effects of fuel reduction treatments on birds and small mammals. Sampling will use a Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) design, with clustered treatment (n = 2) and control (n = 1) sites. The cluster of three sites ? two treatments and one control ? will be implemented within a similar set of environmental conditions, and then replicated in 15 to 50 different locations for small mammals and birds, respectively. Treatments and control site conditions will be a minimum of 10 acres in size. The bird community will be characterized by conducting point count surveys at a subset of 150 sample points (~ 50 treatment:control clusters). Three point count surveys will be conducted at each point each sample year. The small mammal community will be characterized by conducting live trapping in 6 x 6 grid with 30-m spacing that is centered on each grid point. The time staffing demands of small mammal trapping dictate that only 45 of the 150 bird sample points (~ 15 treatment:control clusters) will be sampled for small mammals. The subset of small mammal sample points will be selected to represent the full range of pre-treatment conditions and fuels reduction treatments present in the 150 sample points. Methods Field Sampling Data collection will include detailed descriptions of the composition, structure, and abundance of vegetation, songbirds and woodpeckers, and small mammals. All sites in a cluster will be sampled for each type of data within two weeks of one another so the data reflect the same set of environmental influences (e.g., weather, plant phenology, human disturbance events). Clusters will be sampled two years before and two years after treatment for a total of four sample years per cluster. It is expected that treatments among clusters will be staggered over a two to three year period, given the myriad of factors that affect the timing of contracting and implementation. Birds Bird point count surveys will be conducted each year in each study area at all 150 points for two years pre- and post-treatment. The two pre-treatment years may or may not be consecutive, depending on the timing treatments; ideally, the second pre-treatment sampling event will occur no more than 1 yr prior to treatment. Post-treatment sampling will be conducted the 1st and 2nd years following treatment to complete sampling within the established duration of the grant. At each grid point, a single 10-minute point count survey will be conducted with all individuals seen and heard recorded in 20-m distance intervals out to >100 m (Ralph et al. 1993). New species encountered while moving between point count stations also will be recorded. Counts will be conducted between 15-minutes after sunrise and 0930 hrs. Counts will not be conducted when precipitation is occurring or when winds exceed 5 mph. A cluster of point stations around each grid point was considered, but it was determined that greater benefit was derived from a larger sample of independent data points. Small Mammals Small mammal trapping will be conducted at a total of ~45 points consisting of ~30 treatment sites and ~15 control sites. The 15 control sites will be sampled each sample year to establish a record of annual variability, so the total sample effort sample each year will be ~15 treatment sites and ~15 control site consisting of half the treatment:control site clusters plus the control sites from the remaining site clusters. Small mammals will be sampled in a 6 x 6 trap grid with a 30-m distance (150 x 150-m grid; 2.25 ha area) centered on the point. Live-trap sampling methods target small mammal species presence and abundance. This spacing represents a balance between encountering a sufficient number of squirrel home ranges and obtaining a high enough recapture rate for chipmunks and mice to obtain reliable estimates of density (e.g., Jones et al. 1996, Converse et al. 2004). One Tomahawk trap (model 201; 12 x 12 x 40 cm) mounted in a tree and one extra-large (10 x 11 x 38 cm) Sherman trap will be placed at each trap station (n = 72 traps total). Tomahawk traps will be attached to trees 1.5-2.0 m above ground on the trunk of a tree > 20 in dbh that is not marked for removal. Tomahawk traps will be covered with a tarp around the outside, and a nest box (10 x 10 x 10 cm cardboard) will be placed at the back of the trap with some polystyrene for warmth. Sherman traps will be placed at the base of trees or along larger logs or under shrubs and covered with natural materials (or chloroplast if none are available) to insulate traps from the sun and rain, and polystyrene placed in the back of the trap for warmth. All traps will be baited with a mixture of oats, peanut butter, raisins, and molasses, following the general formula used by Carey et al. (1991): 12 parts oats, 4 parts peanut butter, 2 parts bird seed, 1 part molasses, 1 part. Traps will be pre-baited for 3 days, and then opened for 5 days and nights and checked twice per day. All individuals captured will be marked in a manner that minimizes cost, effort, and loss of marks over the life span of the animal. Members of the family Sciuridae will be marked with uniquely numbered eartag (model 1005-1) in each ear. Members of the genera Peromyscus, Microtus and Thomomys will get one ear tag. Sorex sp. will be marked by cutting a small patch of fur on the hind quarters (this mark is only effective within a sample year). The following data will be collected on each individual captured: age, sex, breeding status, and weight. Morphological measurements will be taken on individuals with questionable identify. All mortalities will be uniquely identified and donated to the University of California vertebrate museum collection. Data Analysis Stand-scale relationships between environmental conditions and birds and small mammals will be modeled using multiple regression analysis techniques. Bird and small mammal communities will be characterized by species richness, species dominance, and total abundance. In addition, the relative abundance and uncorrected density (based on area occupied by the grid plus a buffer of 20m) of individual species and ecological groups will be characterized. Density estimates corrected for probability of capture will be calculated for species with sufficient recapture rates. Environmental variables will characterize a range of physical and biological conditions that are expected to influence the occurrence, abundance, and density of birds and small mammals. Vegetation data will quantify treatment effects on stand structure through the following variables: tree density by size class, sapling density, vertical vegetation diversity, horizontal tree distribution, snag density by size and decay class, coarse woody debris density by size and decay class, canopy closure, shrub and herbaceous ground cover, litter cover. Vegetation and fuels data will also be used to characterize fuels, biomass, and carbon to compare relative changes of biota and biomass to fuels reduction treatments. Abiotic and contextual characteristics will also be analyzed, including elevation, average precipitation, temperature, slope, aspect, and vegetation community types and stand structure classes around each sample point. Multiple regression will be used to generate predictive models for abundance and richness measures at the stand scale based on observed changes in birds and small mammals in response to treatments. Logistic regression will be used to relate select habitat variables to the occurrence of key mature-forest associated species, such as northern flying squirrels. Akaike?s Information Criterion (AIC) will be used to develop models of the association between species and community metrics and environmental conditions at each sample point (Burnham and Anderson 2002). Models will be used to test influential factors associated with various measures of diversity following fuels reduction treatments. Environmental relationships established based on stand-scale data will be used to model responses to landscape-scale treatments and compare them to responses to those of fire behavior, biomass, and carbon. Results will be compared across study areas, ideally across the four study areas (primary and secondary) to characterize variability in responses and relationships relative to larger-scale environmental influences. These analyses will inform the ecological trade-offs associated with site and landscape-scale fuels reduction treatments in terms of fire behavior, biomass generation, carbon sequestration, and biological diversity. Citations Burnham, K. P., and D. R. Anderson. 2002. Model selection and inference: a practical information-theoretic approach. Springer-Verlag, New York, New York. Bury, R. B. 2004. Wildfire, fuel reduction, and herpetofaunas across diverse landscape mosaics in Northwest forests. Conservation Biology 18:968-975. Carey, A. B., B. L. Biswell, and J. W. Witt. 1991. Methods for measuring populations of arboreal rodents. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rept. PNW-GTR-273. Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. CDFG [California Department of Fish and Game]. c. 2002. California wildlife habitat relationships program database, version 8.0. Sacramento, CA. Collins, B.M., S. Stephens, J. Moghaddas, J. Battles. 2010. Challenges and approaches in planning fuel treatments across fire-excluded forested landscapes. Journal of Forestry 108:24-31. Converse, S. J., B. G. Dickson, G. C. White, W. M. Block. 2004. Estimating small mammal abundance on fuels treatment unites in southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Pages 113-120 in C. van Riper and K. L. Cole, eds. The Colorado Plateau: cultural, biological, and physical research. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona. Jones, C., W.J. McShae, M.J. Conroy, T.H. Dunz. 1996. Capturing mammals. Pages 115?155 in D.E. Wilson, F.R. Cole, J.D. Nichols, et al., eds. Measuring and monitoring biological diversity: standard methods for mammals. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. Meyer, M. D., D. A. Kelt, and M. P. North. 2007. Effects of burning and thinning on lodgepole chipmunks (Neotamias speciosus) in the Sierra Nevada, California. Northwestern Naturalist 88:61-72. Nechodom, M. 2010. Biomass to Energy: Forest management of wildfire reduction, energy production, and other benefits. Final report to the California Energy Commission. Contract #500-03-019. Oliver, W. W. 2000. Ecological research at the Blacks Mountain Experimental Forest in Northeastern California. in P. S. R. S. USDA Forest Service, editor., Albany, CA. Pilliod, D. S., E. L. Bull, J. L. Hayes, and B. C. Wales. 2006. Wildlife and invertebrate response to fuel reduction treatments in dry coniferous forests of the Western United States: a synthesis. Pages 34 in R. M. R. S. USDA Forest Service, editor, Fort Collins, CO. Pilliod, D. S., R. B. Bury, E. J. Hyde, C. A. Pearl, and P. Corn, S,. 2003. Fire and amphibians in North America. Forest Ecology and Management 178:163-181. Ralph C.J., G.R. Geupel, P. Pyle, T.E. Martin, and D.F. DeSante. 1993. Handbook of field methods for monitoring landbirds. Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA. Ritchie, M.W. 2005. Ecological research at the Goosnest Adaptive Management Area in Northeastern California. Pages 128 in P. N. R. S. USDA Forest Service, editor., Portland, OR. Saab, V., L. Bate, J. Lehmkuhl, B. Dickson, S. Story, S. Jentsch, and W. M. Block. 2006. Changes in downed wood and forest structure after prescribed fire in ponderosa pine forests. in. U.S.Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Research Paper RMRS-P-41, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, Colorado. Saab, V. A., W. M. Block, R. E. Russell, J. Lehmkuhl, L. Bate, and R. White. 2007. Birds and burns of the interior West. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report PNW-GTR-712, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, Oregon. Sperry, J. H., T. L. George, and S. Zack. 2008. Ecological factors affecting response of dark-eyed juncos to prescribed burning. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120:131-138. Weatherspoon, P., and J. McIver. 2000. A proposal to the Joint Fire Science Program: a national study of the consequences of fire and fire surrogate. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, California

Visit #20669 @Sagehen Creek Field Station


Under Project # 21283 | Research

Biomass - biodiversity project

research_scientist - US Forest Service

Reservation Members(s)

Pat Manley May 3 - Jun 30, 2010 (59 days)
Group of 2 Research Assistant (non-student/faculty/postdoc) May 3 - Jun 30, 2010 (59 days)
Pat Manley May 3 - Jun 30, 2010 (59 days)

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Day Use 4 May 3 - Jun 30, 2010
Sagehen Data 4 May 3 - Jun 30, 2010