After completing my MS thesis at the University of Texas at Austin in 2008 I have chosen to further pursue my research along the San Simeon coastline in hopes of finalizing the work for scientific publication. The purpose of this trip will be to visit key localities along the coastal study transect to take photographs and additional notes in order to further understand observations that were not necessarily pursued for my MS research due to time and budget limitations. These additional observations will be very important in order to pursue publication. To further elaborate on my MS study, I have included the introduction to my thesis below: The San Gregorio-Hosgri (SGH) fault zone is a 420 kilometer long, right-lateral strand of the San Andreas fault system. The San Simeon fault zone, one of four on-land segments of the SGH that include fault zones near Half Moon Bay, Seal Cove, and Point Sur, is located in the Southern Coast Ranges. The southern half of the SGH cross cuts the Nacimiento block that is primarily composed of Franciscan Complex accretionary prism. The San Gregorio Fault experienced right-lateral displacement since mid to late Miocene (C.A. Hall, 1978, Graham and Dickinson, 1978). Recent studies have focused on displacements that offset Pleistocene marine terraces (Hanson and Lettis, 1994). Seismicity in the region indicates the SGF is active (McLaren and Savage, 2001). Formation bounding faults near San Simeon have been mapped by C.A. Hall (1976), but no studies have directly addressed kinematics of faulting in the bedrock in the extensive sea-cliff outcrops. This study is the first designed to better understand the kinematic history near the San Simeon fault zone.

Visit #25530 @Kenneth S. Norris Rancho Marino Reserve


Under Project # 8547 | Research

Structural Analysis of Post Subduction Faulting, San Simeon, California

professional - Unaffiliated with any institution

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Ryan Coppersmith Jul 2 - 3, 2011 (2 days)
Ryan Coppersmith Jul 2 - 3, 2011 (2 days)

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Camping Space 2 Jul 2 - 3, 2011