The Central Coast Rangeland Coalition (CCRC) was formed by a group of ranchers, public rangeland managers, agency personnel, conservationists, and scientists in 2002 to develop consensus on rangeland health and sustainability in the seven coastal California counties from Morro Bay north to San Francisco Bay. We are developing an indicator monitoring system to efficiently measure how different rangeland management sites and operations are achieving their goals of health and sustainability. The indicators are grouped into two functional categories: "universal" and "special resources" that require customized management. A panel of scientific advisors has reviewed and recommended improvements,which were incorporated. The indicator monitoring system will fill an important gap in current monitoring methodologies for rangeland managers, the public, consumers, and regulatory agencies to evaluate rangeland management in our region--simple, quick, and indicative of problems that should be investigted in more detail with a second tier of investigations. We are currently testing the ?universal? indicators at public and private rangeland properties across the region. We wish to use the Norris Rancho Marino Reserve as an ungrazed test site, specifically the grazing exclosures established by Dr. D?Antonio. Our measurements will be entirely non-destructive with the exception of 4-8 inch deep shovel holes at the periphery of the exclosures. Sampling at this phase will take only one day of field time.

Visit #17828 @Kenneth S. Norris Rancho Marino Reserve


Under Project # 8212 | Research

Central Coast Rangeland Coalition Indicators Project

research_scientist - University of California, Santa Cruz

Reservation Members(s)

Lawrence Ford Apr 9, 2009 (1 days)
Lawrence Ford Apr 9, 2009 (1 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Day Use Only 2 Apr 9 (9 hours)