The proposed research at Rancho Marino is part of a long-term monitoring project that includes 9 sites in Santa Barbara County and 5 sites in San Luis Obispo County. This project is part of a regional intertidal monitoring network sponsered by the Minerals Management Service, which includes sites in Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties in addition to the two counties listed above. The purpose of the Shoreline Inventory Project is to provide baseline information on the rocky intertidal plants and animals along the central and southern California coast. Information on coastal biota in these areas would be essential in the event of an oil spill or other major impact. In addition, the monitoring studies yield important data on population dynamics on a local and regional scale which can be utilized for more effective resource management as well as provide fundamental ecological knowledge about the dynamics of the systems. Over the last 8 years, we have observed sequential dramatic declines in black abalone populations at our northern Santa Barbara County sites as the fatal condition termed "withering syndrome" has slowly moved up the coast. The black abalone population at Rancho Marino appears to be at the northern limit of the coastal area that has been impacted by withering syndrome and thus allows us to better assess the northward progression of the disease. Black abalone declines were observed in fall 1998 at Cayucos Pt., just south of Rancho Marino, and mild declines have recently been recorded at Rancho Marino. Healthy black abalone populations exist just to the north at Piedras Blancas and Pt. Sierra Nevada in San Luis Obispo County. Three irregular shaped plots (approximately 5m x 5m) containing black abalone were set up in the intertidal area of Rancho Marino in spring 2001. Plots were marked with stainless steel bolts. Abalone are counted and measured two times per year (spring and fall) and are not otherwise disturbed. If available, lodging would be appreciated for 1-2 nights each spring and fall.

Visit #1105 @Kenneth S. Norris Rancho Marino Reserve


Under Project # 936 | Research

Monitoring of Rocky Intertidal Resources Along the Central and Southern California Mainland

research_assistant - University of California, Santa Cruz

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 4 Research Assistant (non-student/faculty/postdoc) Feb 27 - Mar 4, 2003 (6 days)
Christy Bell Feb 27 - Mar 4, 2003 (6 days)

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