Finish soil sampling and begin sampling plant community for peak cover and biomass. protocols are below as approved by VCR's office. 1. All three researchers (DʻAntonio -professor, Fitch -grad student, Luo-visitin scholar) will drive to Sedgwick Reserve separately so as to not be in close contact physically. 2. All three will have their own sampling tools including soil corer, baggies, sharpies and seives. All three will wear masks and gloves for the duration of sampling. All three will have their own water and their own hand sanitizer. 3. The study plots are 5 meters apart at a minimum. We will split up the plots and each of us will sample 9 plots never coming within 5 meters of one another. 4. Samples will be seived in the field through a 4 mm seive with researchers standing or sitting > 3 meters apart. sieved soil samples will then placed into a labeled baggie and placed into paper bags with each researcher placing the soils separately into bags and then into the cooler. The cooler will be taken home with Xi Luo who will wipe the cooler down with sanitizer before removing any samples from it. she will freeze the samples until a later time when they can be studied. paper bags will be disclosed. Luo will wear disposable nitrile gloves when handling the samples. All investigators will wip[e down their gear with sanitizer after use and store at their own homes. 5. If that later time for soil processing does not come prior to Xi Luo leaving for China (fall 2020), the will be processed by Fitch and DʻAntonio using undergraduate assistants when it is safe to do so. However, keeping the samples frozen for that length of time s not ideal. 6. Plant biomass will be taken in mid may when seed set is complete and plants are beginning to senecse. Again all three researchers will come to the site separately with their own sampling gear. All will harvest biomass in separate plots maintaining at least 3 meters and generally 5-10 meters distance between them. Samples will be placed into labeled paper bags, taken home to DʻAntonioʻs house, dried in the oven and then stored until they can be analyzed for weight, N, and c. DʻAntonio will wear disposable gloves when handling all samples. each researcher will supply his/her own sampling gear (clippers, bags, sharpies). no items will be exchanged.

Visit #67711 @Sedgwick Reserve


Reservation Members(s)

Carla D'Antonio May 8, 2020 (1 days)
Robert Fitch May 8, 2020 (1 days)
Xi Luo May 8, 2020 (1 days)

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Day Use Only 3 May 8 (8 hours)