The purpose of this field trip is to introduce a second 7th grade class from Adams Middle School to the diversity of organisms that live in the wildlands of California, and to techniques for studying this diversity. An additional part of our overall program is to develop a collection of natural history objects (insect and plant specimens, vertebrate sign, and photos of vertebrates and habitats) that the students will curate, database and display at their school. They will also compare this collection with one that they are making at their own schoolyard. Through field trips, lessons conducted by graduate students in the school classroom, and the students? own work and ownership of the collections, we hope to enhance their experience with and understanding of the study of biology and natural history, increase their appreciation of California?s biodiversity, and, perhaps open some pathways into further study of science. Specific activities will be developed by graduate student fellows (Jennifer Skene and Joel Abraham) this fall, and will be similar to what has been done on previous GK-12 field trips. A detailed itinerary will be supplied in September. Activites may include 1) nature walks to look for animals, survey the different habitats at Hasting and collect plants and animal sign, 2) a scavenger hunt activity, 3) an exercise in orienteering and using topographic maps, 4) sampling of plants and animals in different habitats (possibly including a comparison of insects living in native vs exotic grasses). Sampling activities and techniques may include vegetation transects, pitfall trapping and sweep netting for insects, live trapping (catch and release) of small mammals, lizard noosing, and bird observations; specimens of common plants, insects, and mammal sign (scats, plaster casts of prints, feathers) and photos of vertebrates will be taken for further study in the classroom, and with which to develop their museum collection. At night students may use a black light attract and observe night flying insects and use a bat detector to locate bats. We may also sample aquatic invertebrates in creeks or the Carmel River.

Visit #7759 @Hastings Natural History Reservation


Under Project # 1090 | Public Use

Exploring California Biodiversity

other - University of California, Berkeley

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 2 K-12 Instructor Nov 4 - 6, 2005 (3 days)
Group of 15 K-12 Student Nov 4 - 6, 2005 (3 days)
Group of 3 Other Nov 4 - 6, 2005 (3 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Bunk House Cottage 20 Nov 4 - 6, 2005
Fanny Arnold Conference Room 20 Nov 4 - 6, 2005
Hastings Cabin 20 Nov 4 - 6, 2005
Ranch House 20 Nov 4 - 6, 2005