Hastings Natural History Reservation
04 Feb, 12 PM - 07 Feb, 12 PM
We plan to do the same sampling we did over summer, but adding in frog mucosal soaks and swabbing mouthparts of tadpoles. The musocal soaks are to figure out what microbiota in frog skin may be serving as a defense against Bd infections. The tadpole swabbing is to see if we can incorporate another non-lethal method to isolate Bd from wild frogs.
Visit #66339 @Hastings Natural History Reservation
Under Project # 42769 | Research
Determining the immunogenetics of California frog susceptibility to the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidisgraduate_student - University of California, Santa Barbara
Reservation Members(s)
Imani Russell
Feb 4 - 7, 2020 (4 days)
Lourdes Velazquez
Feb 4 - 7, 2020 (4 days)
Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice
Laboratory Use
Feb 4 - 7, 2020
Red House #1
Feb 4 - 7, 2020