Hastings Natural History Reservation
22 Feb, 12 PM - 23 Feb, 12 PM
I plan to visit the reserve somewhere between February 15th to March 1st (pending logistical coordination with other field sites). In my visit, I will collect samples of the riparian species Baccharis salicifolia (mulefat) from the river banks and take them back to my campus lab to be propogated and used in my research study. I will also take a small soil sample to collect data on native nitrogen content.
Visit #60888 @Hastings Natural History Reservation
Under Project # 42243 | Research
Phenotypic Plasticity in Roots Under Differing Nitrogen and Water Availabilities in Baccharis salicifoliaundergraduate_student - University of California, Irvine
Reservation Members(s)
Miguel Ochoa
Feb 22 - 23, 2019 (2 days)
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Hastings Cabin
Feb 21 - 23, 2019