The purpose of the research project is to investigate the effect of fly predation on the communication system of the cricket Gryllus lineaticeps. The research project has not changed from the one that was submitted last year: First, we will determine whether the variable field cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps, is present on the reserve. This will be done by driving and walking around the reserve at night and listening for field cricket calling song. If the variable field cricket is present on the reserve, we will engage in the following activities: (1) We will broadcast male calling song from speakers to determine whether the flies are present on the reserve. If the flies are present, they will be attracted to high amplitude broadcasts of calling songs with high chirp rates and long chirp durations. We will only assess whether the flies are present. No flies will be collected. (2) We will collect approximately 30 females and ship them to the University of Nebraska. Most females collected in the field have already mated at least once, and these females will be used to establish a laboratory culture. Female offspring of these field-inseminated females will then be tested in the laboratory to assess the strength of their chirp rate and chirp duration preferences. Gryllus lineaticeps is the most common field cricket in California. Because only a small number of females will be collected, the proposed research should have little long-term impact on the field cricket population at the reserve. No other plant or animal populations should be affected. We will need sleeping facilities for one person. Because we will be sampling at numerous field sites between August 1 and September 30, and because we do not know how long it will take to sample each site, it is impossible to plan exact dates for our arrival and departure. We should, however, be able to contact the reserve Director approximately a week ahead of time to check on availability. It is possible that we might need to resample at the reserve after our initial sample. We hope this is acceptable.

Visit #18296 @Hastings Natural History Reservation


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Oliver Beckers Jul 19 - 23, 2009 (5 days)

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Bunk House Cottage 1 Jul 19 - 23, 2009