Specific sites at the Angelo Coast Range Reserve will be decided upon arrival since we need to identify a particular forest type, and thus we need to survey the landscape upon arrival in order to find adequate field sites. We plan to work with Peter Steele to identify potential sites and we will be certain not to disturb any established research plots. We would like to establish approximately ten to fifteen plots within the mixed evergreen forest: tanoak-madrone-live oak-Douglas-fir association type. Our sampling design involves minimal disturbance to the reserve?s forest. The only permanent plot label is one small metal tag that we attach with a wire around the trunk of our center tree. All trees will be measured, mapped, and numbered inconspicuously with semi-permanent paint pens (which wash off with weathering, usually within a year) away from view from any trails or roads. Phytophthora host species to be mapped include tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus), coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), black oak (Q. kelloggii), bay (Umbellularia californica), madrone (Arbutus menziesii), and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). All hosts will be checked for visual signs of damage due to Phytophthora species, and then only bay and oak/tanoak species will be verified for Phytophthora infection according to the following protocol: Oak/tanoak: All trees on plots (>1cm DBH) will be visually inspected for Phytophthora symptoms with a subset (10%) of the symptomatic trees (bleeding trunk or twig cankers) sampled for isolation to confirm that visual observations are accurate. Minimal tissue will be removed for isolation from those individuals. Bay: Visual signs of damage do not accurately correlate with presence of Phytophthora species. Consequently, it is necessary to isolate symptomatic tissue from each tree. Fortunately, this is minimally destructive with only 10-15 leaves per tree with symptomatic leaf lesions removed for plating on selective medium. We are examining forest structure, environmental, and biological variables that relate to presence of Phytophthora species, therefore sampling on this preserve will help us identify variables that promote or inhibit Phytophthora species presence in this forest type. Our lab has an ongoing project that monitors stream water for Phytophthora species present on the reserve has thus far not detected any forest Phytophthora species, therefore we expect to find very few, if any symptomatic trees based on the stream monitoring results. However, it is important that our study include plots of this forest type that both do and do not have Phytophthora species present. We would like to stay at the Headquaters House or any other accommodations you can provide while working at the reserve.

Visit #7593 @Angelo Coast Range Reserve


Under Project # 5565 | Research

A Survey of aerial Phytophthora Species in Native California Forest Communities: Relating Pathogen Presence to Plant Community and Site Variables

faculty - California Polytechnic State University (CSU), San Luis Obispo

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 3 Research Scientist/Post Doc Aug 4 - 5, 2005 (2 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

HQ House 3 Aug 4 - 5, 2005