The aim of th propsed study is to create a risk map for tick-borne diseases (Lyme deisease and human granulocytic ehrlichoiosis) in Mendocino County. The first step towards this goal is to determine the density of Ixodes pacificus mymphs infected with the causative disease agents (Borreleia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum) within the primary habitat types occurring in the county. During spring 2004 we plan to determine the density of infected mymphs i 70 sites representing 5 habitat types (Oak, Mixed oak/conifer, Redwood/tanoak, Ponderosea pine, and Coastal pine/cypress) and located throughout the county. This will if permission is ranted, include 2 sites at the Angelo Coast Range reserve. Data on densities of infected nymphs from 2004 and the geographical location of each smapling site (using a GPS unit) will be incorporated into a remote sensing - geographic information systems database including data on elevation, rainfall, soil type, vegetation type, etc. This database will be used to create a risk map for tick-borne diseases in Mendocino County, with 3-5 risk categories. The study sites will be identical to those used in 2003: one area along Fox Creek and a second ara east of the Eel River, between Elder and Skunk Creeks. The project will require access to the sites for 1 day in early spring 2004 to re-establish the sampling grids, and 2-3 days durning May/June to collect ticks. All tick collections wll be carried out by dragging a piece of clothe through the particular habitat sampled. Up to 300 nymphal ticks will be removed from each area. The only expectd impact on the habitat is a slight disturbance of the leaf/fir needle litter. A report of the results will be completed by December 2004.

Visit #5199 @Angelo Coast Range Reserve


Under Project # 4127 | Research

Risk of exposure to the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, in Mendocino County, California

research_scientist - University of California, Berkeley

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 2 Research Scientist/Post Doc Apr 1 - Jun 30, 2004 (91 days)

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