Growth and survival rates of 1+ (30-45mm) will be examined between cool and warm temperature regimes. Five pairs of 19L enclosures (white plastic buckets with two 15 cm x 15 cm windows covered with 0.3 mm mesh) will be places in the Main Stem South Fork Eel River at each of five sites: Elder Creek, Fox Creek, McKinley Creek, Skunk Creek, and Barnwell Creek. Each site will have ?warm? and ?cool? treatments with five enclosures each. Warm treatments will be placed upstream, and out of the thermal influence of each confluence. Cool treatments will be placed in the mainstem directly below confluences and receive enough inflow to lower the temperatures in the enclosures. Data loggers will be placed in each enclosure and record the temperature in each enclosure every half hour for the duration of the six week experiment. 1+ roach will be collected from the SF Eel River using dip nets and measured for length and weight. Individuals will receive fin clips in order to track individual growth rates. Five fish will be haphazardly assigned to each treatment and acclimated for 20 minutes before release into the enclosure. Fish will be fed ad libidum on Cladophora epiphytized by diatoms, including abundant Epithemia sp. Fish will be counted, anesthetized and measured for length and weight at bi-weekly intervals. Dead or missing fish will be counted. The cause of death will be recorded when possible. Missing fish will be replaced by similarly sized individuals processed as above.

Visit #25952 @Angelo Coast Range Reserve


Under Project # 20153 | Research

Temperature and life history characteristics of the California roach (Hesperoleucas symmetricus)

graduate_student - University of California, Berkeley

Reservation Members(s)

Wil Torres Aug 1 - 16, 2011 (16 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Fox Creek Lodge 1 Aug 1 - 16, 2011