The purpose of this field trip is to introduce a class of students from Richmond High School to the diversity of organisms that live in the wildlands of California, and to techniques for studying this diversity. An additional part of our overall program is to develop a collection of natural history objects (insect and plant specimens, vertebrate sign, and photos of vertebrates and habitats) that the students will analyze, curate, and display at their school. Specific activities have not been finalized, but will center around sampling and comparing plant, insect and vertebrate diversity in different habitats. Students will be divided into three groups of five to work with a taxon specialist in each habitat, rotating to sample a different taxon group in each habitat area. Sampling techniques will include vegetation transects, pitfall trapping and sweep netting for insects, live trapping (catch and release) of small mammals, lizard noosing, and bird observations. Specimens of common plants, insects, and mammal sign (scats, plaster casts of prints, feathers), bird and reptile salvage, and photos of vertebrates will be taken for further study in the classroom; these items will form the basis of their museum collection. At night students will use a black light and bat detector to observe moths and bats, and will discuss how observability might bias estimates of biodiversity. If there is time, students will sample aquatic invertebrates in the creek areas. Through these field trips, lessons conducted by graduate students in the high school classroom, and the students' own work and ownership of the collections, we hope to enhance their experience with and understanding of the study of biology and natural history, increase their appreciation of California's biodiversity, and, perhaps open some pathways into further study of science.

Visit #2490 @Angelo Coast Range Reserve


Under Project # 612 | Public Use

UC Berkeley - Berkeley Natural History Museums

other - University of California, Berkeley

Reservation Members(s)

Betsy Mitchell Apr 2 - 4, 2004 (3 days)
Group of 9 K-12 Student Apr 2 - 4, 2004 (3 days)
Group of 7 Other Apr 2 - 4, 2004 (3 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Fox Creek Lodge 17 Apr 2 - 4, 2004