I plan to investigate the climate-growth interaction of Douglas-fir across its entire range in North America. The study will be divided into two parts. First, I will obtain growth data from Douglas-fir in the central and southern parts of its range that have not been previously sampled, including mountains in Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. Second, I will combine this newly collected growth data with data from Littell et al. 2008 to complete the US range of Douglas-fir. My study is being built from and adding to the work completed by Littell et al. 2008. The objective of Littell et al. was to describe growth and climate in Douglas-fir stands across an east-west gradient in the Pacific Northwest. Covering its entire range from east to west, they sampled Douglas-fir in Glacier National Park, Idaho Panhandle National Forest, North Cascades National Park, and Olympic National Park. The study covers two distinct climate niches that Douglas-fir occupies. The objective of my study is to sample the other climate niches occupied by Douglas-fir in the US. There are a total of six other climate niches. My sampling approach will try and emulate that of Littell et al. 2008 to facilitate subsequent data synthesis for one large analysis across the species range. I also hope to collaborate with scientists in Canada and Mexico to conduct a synthesis of climate-growth interactions across the entire range North American range of Douglas-fir. RESEARCH QUESTIONS Question 1: Is Douglas-fir growth energy or water limited? Does climate sensitivity vary spatially (e.g. topographic or physiographic influences)? Has climate sensitivity varied temporally (e.g. decadal or interdecadal variations)? Question 2: How will the growth of Douglas-fir respond to a warmer climate? Where are the most resilient populations? How will the variability in growth change?

Visit #23209 @Angelo Coast Range Reserve


Under Project # 22680 | Research

Effects of Climatic Variability on Douglas-fir Growth at a Continental Scale

research_scientist - University of California, Davis

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Christina Restaino Oct 20 - 22, 2010 (3 days)

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HQ House 1 Oct 20 - 22, 2010