This project will involve strategic surveys for Anodonta californiensis, a regionally sensitive aquatic bivalve mollusk occurring mainly in mainstem river and lake habitats. This and related Anodonta species appear to have suffered extreme declines in populations and range of distribution in California and throughout the western United States (Taylor 1981, Mock and other 2004). Although emphasis will be directed towards better defining the current distribution of Anodonta californiensis and other regionally sensitive mollusks, the occurrence of other currently non-sensitive aquatic mollusk species will also be recorded as they are encountered. Although two other species belonging to different genera, namely the western pearlshell Magaritifera falcata (Family Margaritiferidae), and western ridge mussel Gonidea angulata, currently have no federal status, there is a concern that their populations and distributions may be declining (Frest and Johannes 1995). Therefore, strategic surveys will also be conducted for these two species to better define their status as a basis for evaluating whether they warrant any protections. All of these species may co-occur, so a survey targeting the regionally sensitive Anodonta californiensis, should also be effective as a survey for the other species. Specimens or tissue samples extracted non-lethally will be retained and shipped to Utah State University for genetic analysis. Dr. Mock is revising the taxonomy of Anodonta spp. in the western United States. These results will better allow the Forest Service to manage the California floater Anodonta californiensis in our region because the taxonomy is currently in a state of confusion (Mock 2004, Chong 2006). Once the taxonomic relationships are better understood it will be possible to define the true extent of present populations of the species and the appropriate management activities to provide protection for it.

Visit #18677 @Angelo Coast Range Reserve


Under Project # 20272 | Research

Survey of Freshwater Mussels in California

professional - Nature Conservancy

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Group of 4 Research Scientist/Post Doc Jul 17, 2009 (1 days)

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Day use 4 Jul 17 (6 hours)