After initial bait placement in approximately February each year, the sites will be visited every 2-3 weeks to pick-up and/or replace stream baits for approximately 5 months continuously between February and June. We will visit these sites approximately twice a month, once for bait deployment and once for bait pick-up. There are three sites with two sampling locations at each site on the Angelo Coast Range Reserve: 1) along Fox Creek (near the bridge at the Wilderness and Fox Creek Lodges), 2) along the S fork of the Eel River at the northern junction with Walker Meadow Loop trail, and 3) along Elder Creek under the bridge. There will be no disturbance to the reserve's ecosystem, no collecting, and no manipulative or destructive sampling. We will place inconspicuous mesh bags into the water that hold clean, disease-free Rhododendron leaves that will float on the water surface and be picked up after approximately two to three weeks to bait for Phytophthora species. The bags will be tied to a branch, tree trunk, or other available anchor to the side of streams with white nylon 3/16" solid braid rope (highly visible, durable, and easily removed). If stream flow is relatively fast the bags may be additionally anchored with a 1-pound fishing weight tied to 80 pound, white (highly visible) fishing line and placed in the flow to anchor the bag in place. The mesh bags and ropes will only be in the water during active baiting periods and will sit on the bank next to watercourses when not in use. These methods have been tested and are currently being used at many other sites throughout coastal California watercourses. All materials will be removed after completion of the study. The sampling activity will take approximately 2-3 hours and we may perhaps request to stay overnight depending on a specific trip?s plans. Each activity request will reflect specific lodging needs for that visit. We do not require any additional resources from the reserve.

Visit #14764 @Angelo Coast Range Reserve


Under Project # 9539 | Research

Monitoring Phytophthora ramorum distribution within California watersheds

research_scientist - University of California, Davis

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 2 Research Scientist/Post Doc Mar 16 - 17, 2008 (2 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

HQ House 2 Mar 16 - 17, 2008