Amenities and Rates

picture of a reserve amenity

Day Use only

Use this category only for those individuals who will not be staying overnight. List the number of people who will be at the Reserve only for the day .
$0.00 per person/per day UC Rate $0.00 per person/per day Non-UC Rate
picture of a reserve amenity

Bed in Field Station Bunkroom

List the total number of people wishing to stay overnight in the Field Station bunkhouse. If there are any couples interested in a double bed, make this request in the "Special needs" section or by emailing
$10.00 per person/per night UC Rate $15.00 per person/per night Non-UC Rate
picture of a reserve amenity

Cabin Tent near field station (seasonal only ... discuss with staff before booking)

Seasonal availability only - confirm availability before requesting. When available: 3 cabin-tents with two single mattresses in each.
$10.00 per person/per night UC Rate $15.00 per person/per night Non-UC Rate
picture of a reserve amenity

Reiff Creek Campground campsite

Use your own tent; kitchen, shower, etc at bunkhouse can be available by request. List the total number of people in your group who will stay at the campground (list number of tents in the Special Needs section of the Reservation).
$10.00 per person/per night UC Rate $15.00 per person/per night Non-UC Rate
picture of a reserve amenity

RV or car camping (discuss with staff before booking)

Contact before booking this resource. Arrange for RV/car camping at campground parking area, adjacent to field station, or an alternate location designated by Director. List the total number of people camping in RVs/cars.
$10.00 per person/per night UC Rate $15.00 per person/per night Non-UC Rate