Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve
06 Apr, 09 AM - 06 Apr, 01 PM
I plan to visit locations where heart-leaf milkweed has been reported in the past and determine if there are large enough populations at these locations to be viable phenology monitoring sites. I may also record phenological data including height, # stems, # buds/flowers/pods and inspect plants for monarch eggs and caterpillars.
Visit #71024 @Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve
Under Project # 46296 | Research
Scouting and monitoring heart-leaf milkweed populationsgraduate_student - University of California, Davis
Reservation Members(s)
Dylan MacArthur-Waltz
Apr 6, 2021 (1 days)
Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice
Day use only
Apr 6 (6 hours)