Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve
24 Mar, 03 PM - 24 Mar, 04 PM
We will be collecting a small amount (~ 15-20cm) of twig and leaf tissue from three species found on the reserve: Platanus racemosa, Quercus berberidifolia and Heteromoles arbrutifolia. We will sample two individuals of each species (if possible) for a total of six samples. Aside from taking those small clippings, no other disruption of plant or animals is necessary.
Visit #70730 @Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve
Under Project # 46186 | Research
California Conservation Projectgraduate_student - University of California, Los Angeles
Reservation Members(s)
Scott O'Donnell
Mar 24, 2021 (1 days)
Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice
Day use only
Mar 24 (7 hours)