I’m applying to visit Landels-Hill Big Creek to explore a site-specific moving image project. Big Creek is uniquely positioned due to its geographic location in the Bay Area, where the fog occurs at a specific time year. I'm requesting to stay at its facilities, or camping on site, to get access to the surrounding hills to perform field research in the form of light projections onto fog, and investigate the network of relationships the fog creates and sustains. A continuation of artistic and academic research already underway questioning the role of cinema, and moving images, in relation to the environment and climate change. The project can be viewed as a form of environmental art and is concerned with the relations that need to be sustained, cared for, and mended. It is also concerned with the unique atmospheric conditions of California, as well as its geology and ecology, in the Bay Area and the Central Coast. This research questions contemporary artists’ methods that aim at cultivating new responses to an escalating climate crisis and its repercussions for other species, as well as other forms of more-than-human beings. This field research will support an exploration into the relevance of cinema in relation to climate change, as well as the methodological approach to making and viewing moving images. It will specifically question current making and exhibition practices found in experimental and documentary films, but also those of moving image installation, land art and environmental art, and their spaces of reception, especially in relation to the sites they speak about. This project integrates site-specificity as well as medium-specificity to both form and content, to make for an environmental cinema, a form of cinema that only be made and be viewed according to the conditions and matter that constitutes the site.

Visit #85822 @Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve


Under Project # 54204 | Research

Big Creek Fog

graduate_student - University of California, Santa Cruz

Reservation Members(s)

Gonzalo Galetto Sep 1 - 3, 2023 (3 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Whale Point Research Cabin 1 Sep 1 - 3, 2023