Ventana Wilderness Society (VWS) began releasing captive-reared condors into Big Sur, California in 1997 as part of USFWS's California Condor Recovery Program. After each release, condors are provided supplemental carcasses as a food source. The supplemental food strategy encourages natural foraging and influences movement into historical breeding grounds in the Santa Lucia mountains. The historic population of condors were observed at Big Creek perching as late as 1917. Since releases began, VWS condors have been observed in Big Creek on a few occassions. In addition, GPS data from two condors placed them in the Big Creek Reserve in the last 6 months. A supplemental condor feeding site on Big Creek Reserve would encourage more condors to frequent this part of the historic range. Proposed site: Gamboa point would be the preferred supplemental feeding site within the Reserve. Gamboa Point is a prominent grassland hill that commands a 360 degree view of the surrounding topography and ocean. Large conifers border Gamboa Point and will provide condors with excellent perching and roosting. Devil's Canyon, which lies northeast of Gamboa Point, contains suitable areas for condor nesting. Proposed feeding procedure: VWS Field Staff will place carrion at Gamboa Point on a monthly basis. Food placement occurs in the early evening hours to prevent condors associating humans with food. VWS staff would check in with the Resident Director to gain road access to the site prior to each feeding. The carrion will be carried to the site from the road and placed south of the trail, out of hiking view. The carrion will be staked to the ground and left out for the condors. Once the carrion is discovered by the condor flock, one field crew staff person will need to observe the feeding activity and record quantitative data, as well as intraspecific interactions. After the carrion has been completely consumed, no further observations will be needed until the next food placement. Field operations contact: Jessica Koning, VWS Field Supervisor 831-624-1202 Condor Project leader contact: Joe Burnett, Condor Coordinator, 831-455-9514 Disturbance Summary: Grassland vegetation surrounding the feeding site will be trampled down by foraging condors. The area affected will be approximately 5 meters in diameter. The specific feeding site on the south slope of Gamboa Point can be moved each month to reduce vegetation disturbance. We have observed mammalian scavengers visit existing condor supplemental feeding sites in the Big Sur region. These include wild pigs, coyotes, and bobcats. These 3 species have become habituated to a site that is used once or twice per week, but very rarely to sites used bi-weekly or monthly. VWS staff will strictly follow all guidelines and protocols for site visits into the Big Creek Reserve. We will sign and submit all liability waivers upon approval. Please send Joe Burnett any questions or concerns you have concerning this proposal. Thank you.

Visit #7888 @Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve


Under Project # 5676 | Public Use

California Condor Supplemental Feeding Project

professional - Ventana Wilderness / Wildlife Associations

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 4 Other Nov 21, 2005 (1 days)

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