During our visit to the Reserve we will be taking audio recordings and photography of natural scenery in various ecosystems throughout the reserve. Adam Forbes, the environmental scientist on the project took a UC Santa Cruz Course at Landels Hill Big Creek Reserve. He also conducted research visits there numerous other times and suggested this as a possible place for our initial research and data collection. We hope to take advantage of the coastal mountains, ancient redwoods, exposed shorelines, bluffs, and rushing rivers. We will be conducting practice with the use of our mindfulness meditations in nature. In addition we will gathering audio and visual imagery for our next stage of nature mindfulness research. As a part of my Masters in Counseling Psychology from Temple University, I am conducting a research project exploring the topic of meditation, mental health and connectedness in nature. I have been working with youth and adults teaching mindfulness techniques in a range of settings here in Philadelphia, PA. My research has examined the how these small, regular mindfulness practices have affected clients social connections and a range of mental health indicators. Clients listen to 3 recorded guided meditations (mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation) in conjunction with regular counseling and therapy. They are monitored by myself and other researchers, as well as a control group not listening to the meditations. In our initial studies, young clients reported a significant increase in life satisfaction, mindfulness, and a significant decrease in feelings of demand. We are currently also examining how nature connectivity and the quality/ content of these recordings affect clients survey responses and mental health indicators. With the support of environmental scientist, Adam Forbes, we are recording natural sounds in a range of ecosystems and settings. Through photography we are also documenting natural scenery on the east and west coast to use the nature imagery during mindfulness sessions. Our overall aim is to get clients into nature during mindfulness sessions. However, with many this is not possible. As a result, we are beginning to study possible ways to bring nature into our counseling rooms. Future research groups will use the mindfulness recordings with accompanying natural sounds and nature imagery while the second group participates in mindfulness in nature and a 3rd group just used the base recordings. Recent research supports the claim that mindfulness meditation has beneficial effects on physical and mental health, and cognitive performance. Additionally, research has begun to show that mindfulness in an outdoor setting, has led to a sense of greater social and nature connectedness after the meditations .Neuroimaging studies have begun to outline the brain areas and networks that mediate these positive effects. However, more rigorous studies are required to gain a full understanding of the changes in the brain that result from mindfulness meditation. Our studies also hope to examine the various ways in which participants can engage with nature during mindfulness.

Visit #55695 @Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve


Under Project # 40227 | Research

Mindfulness in Nature: A Mental Health Study

graduate_student - Temple University

Reservation Members(s)

Adam Forbes Mar 6 - 9, 2018 (4 days)
Rebecca Hui Mar 6 - 9, 2018 (4 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Redwood Camp 1 Mar 6 - 9, 2018