I am studying a rare plant species that is both federally and state endangered, the Mexican Flannel Bush (Fremontodendron mexicanum). The historic range of the plant extended from Baja California north along the coastal range to central California. To better familiarize myself with the historical distribution, I am taking a trip to the general area of the research preserve. I would like to utilize the research facility to photograph and characterize the landscape for past/future habitat potential, as well as use the Redwood Camp as a home base to start the expedition. The use of the reserve in a day-use fashion will be adequate after our first day. While my specific species of interest has not been recorded within the reserve; the historical distribution of the plant indicates appropriate habitat in the Santa Lucia Range. There has been one isolated occurrence recorded in the Jepson database putting F. mexicanum in Monterey County; as well as 1 more in Santa Clara county to the north. These northern populations were last recorded over 70 years ago, and any rediscovery of a population would be a major scientific find. I have been to the preserve once before on an Algae collecting trip with the Matt Edwards group (SDSU) that typically comes in the spring and am familiar with the quality of the habitat, and regulations within the preserve. I hope you can accommodate my small group at the Redwood Camp, as it would facilitate our exploratory efforts greatly. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call or write me. Thank you.

Visit #28062 @Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve


Under Project # 24981 | Public Use

Reproductive Biology and Distribution of the Rare Shrub Fremontodendron mexicanum

graduate_student - San Diego State University (CSU)

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 4 Volunteer Apr 26 - 29, 2012 (4 days)

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