We seek to stay at Big Creek Preserve primarily as an evening stopover on the way from San Simeon to Monterey Bay. Our impact on the preserve would only be roadside stops to examine roadcuts between the entrance and the Whale Point cabin. Field trip stops on June 13 include San Simeon point, San Simeon ophiolite fragment near Piedras Blancas (pillow basalts, cherts, sheeted dikes complex, cumulate gabbro. Along Hwy 1 we will stop to see the Toro formation, pillow basalt block in melange, giant greenstone block at Villa Creek. On the Nacimento Ferguson Road we will visit lawsonite-bearing Franciscan metagraywackeand phyllite then cross the Nacimento fault to examine the metamorphic rocks the Sur Series which include marble, thin layered amphibolites, and migmatitic granite factory, the root zone of the Sierran volcanic-plutonic arc. The last stop of the day is Jade Cove and the serpentinite-melange contact. Field trip stops on June 14 include an examination of the outcrops along the road in the Big Creek Preserve, Salinian block and Franciscan materials on both sides of the fault. Back along Hwy 1 we will visit the Cretaceous conglomerate near Esalen institute, the 1983-84 McWay landslide, charnokitic tonalite and mylonite shear zone near Castro Canyon. At Point Lobos, the contact between the Paleocene Carmelo conglomerate on top of the Monterey quartz monzonite with pegmatite dikes. The day will close with a visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The following seven days of the trip include Yosemite, Owens Valley, Lassen, northern Franciscan complex, San Andreas fault.

Visit #21122 @Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve


Under Project # 21561 | Class

UTeach Field Trip 2010

faculty - University of Texas

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 4 Faculty Jun 12 - 13, 2010 (2 days)
Group of 10 Undergraduate Student Jun 12 - 13, 2010 (2 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Whale Point Researcher Cabin 14 Jun 12 - 13, 2010