We will be characterizing relationships between native plants and their associated bee species within the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve. We plan to focus on 5 native and 5 non-native plant species. We would like to take plant clippings once during the study of each species for the UCSB Herbarium at the Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration. These plants are to confirm our identifications and they will be vouchered in the herbarium. Bees visiting these plants would be collected, except Bombus crotchii or Bombus californicus due to their status. Bees will be vouchered in the UCSB Invertebrate Zoology Collection also at the Cheadle Center. A proposed plant species list is given at the bottom of this document, which will be used to guide collection decisions in the field. However, sampling will be somewhat opportunistic, as we will only be collecting flowering plants in bloom, so most likely not all proposed plant species will be able to be sampled. Because of the endangered status of both Salt Marsh Bird's-beak and Salt Marsh Goldfields, we will not be collecting plant specimens of these plant species. Emma Gobbell, who will be conducting this study, is able to identify both endangered plant species and endangered/declining bumblebee species. This study will add to the general knowledge base of invertebrate species in the marsh, specifically bees. The findings will be added to the online checklist of CSMR bees found at https://library.big-bee.net/portal/checklists/checklist.php?clid=7&emode=0. We requested a range of time as we are hoping to visit 4 times in July from 9 - 4pm Proposed Plant List: Frankenia salina, Alkali-heath Jaumea carnosa Ambrosia chamissonis, Silver Beachweed Ambrosia psilostachya, Western Ragweed Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia, Beach Suncup Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia subsp. suffruticosa, Shrubby Beach Primrose Lupinus arboreus, Yellow Bush Lupine Limonium californicum, California Sea Lavender/Marsh Rosemary Limonium duriusculum Limonium sinuatum, Wavy Leaf Sea-Lavender Pseudognaphalium californicum, California Everlasting Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum, Fragrant Everlasting Cudweed Pseudognaphalium microcephalum, White Everlasting Pseudognaphalium stramineum, Cotton-Batting Plant Isocoma menziesii, Goldenbush Isocoma menziesii var. vernonioides, Coastal Goldenbush Cakile maritima, European searocket Heliotropium curassavicum, Chinese Parsley Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum, Slender-Leaf Iceplant Deinandra fasciculata, Fascicled Tarweed Atriplex lentiformis, Big Saltbush Brassica nigra, Black/Wild Mustard Malacothamnus fasciculatus, Chaparral Bushmallow Malacothamnus fasciculatus var. Nuttallii Apium graveolens, Common Celery Conium maculatum, Common Poison Hemlock Myoporum laetum, Ngaio Tree Melilotus albus, White Sweetclover Melilotus indicus, Sourclover

Visit #78519 @Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve


Under Project # 43931 | Public Use


professional - University of California, Santa Barbara

Reservation Members(s)

Emma Gobbell Jul 5 - 4, 2022 (0 days)
Emma Gobbell Jul 12 - 11, 2022 (0 days)
Emma Gobbell Jul 19 - 18, 2022 (0 days)
Emma Gobbell Jul 26 - 25, 2022 (0 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Day Use Only 1 Jul 5 (7 hours)
Day Use Only 1 Jul 12 (7 hours)
Day Use Only 1 Jul 19 (7 hours)
Day Use Only 1 Jul 26 (7 hours)