After conducting a preliminary survey today, I am planning to do more frequent surveys to document the current algal bloom in Santa Monica Creek. I will measure temperature (thermometer), dissolved oxygen (handheld optode microsensor), pH (meter), and salinity (handheld refractometer). I will collect three water samples place them on ice in a dark cooler, and transport to the laboratory at UCLA. Within each site, I will sample intertidal macroalgae along a 30-m transect parallel to the waterline and 1 m downslope from the vascular vegetation. I will estimate macroalgal abundance by measuring percent cover, which includes filaments that grow intercalated in the sediment and may be visible but not collectable, and algal biomass, which includes both attached and detached mats. At five randomly chosen points along each transect, which will be reassigned each sampling time, a 0.25-m2 quadrat with 36 evenly spaced intercepts (forming a 6x6 grid) will be placed on the benthos. The presence or absence of each macroalgal species in the top layer under each intercept will be recorded. When present, algae will be collected from a 530 cm2 area circumscribed by a plastic cylinder placed on the benthos in the center of each quadrat. Each sample will be placed in an individual Ziploc bag in a cooler, transported to the laboratory, and refrigerated. Algal samples will be transferred to low nutrient seawater where they will be cleaned of macroscopic debris and mud placed in a nylon mesh bag, spun in a salad spinner for 1 min, and weighed. We will measure sediment organic content, grain size, porewater nutrient concentrations, pH, oxygen, alkalinity and DIC every sampling date within three of the same random quadrats along each transect as for macroalgae. We will collect sediment cores (5 cm diameter) to 5 cm depth from three of the five quadrats making sure macroalgae are eliminated.

Visit #71302 @Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve


Under Project # 46322 | Research

Acidification/basification in macroalgal blooms

graduate_student - University of California, Los Angeles

Reservation Members(s)

Regina Zweng Apr 25 - 24, 2021 (0 days)
Regina Zweng Apr 30, 2021 (1 days)
Regina Zweng May 1, 2021 (1 days)
Regina Zweng May 2, 2021 (1 days)
Regina Zweng May 3, 2021 (1 days)
Regina Zweng May 4, 2021 (1 days)

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Day Use Only 1 Apr 25 (4 hours)
Day Use Only 1 Apr 30 (5 hours)
Day Use Only 1 May 1 (4 hours)
Day Use Only 1 May 2 (4 hours)
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Day Use Only 1 May 4 (3 hours)