Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve
08 Nov, 10 AM - 08 Nov, 12 PM
(11/8) We will be deploying aquatic sensors that measure salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pressure in the mouth of a creek. The sensors will be weighted to settle at the bottle of the creek and will be capturing measurements for 2 weeks.
Visit #65498 @Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve
Under Project # 42187 | Research
Aquatic metabolism studyundergraduate_student - University of California, Santa Barbara
Reservation Members(s)
Nick Nidzieko
Nov 8, 2019 (1 days)
Venus Meza
Nov 8, 2019 (1 days)
Group of 1 Undergraduate Student
Nov 8, 2019 (1 days)
Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice
Day Use Only
Nov 8 (2 hours)