In 1999, the USEPA Region 9 and the SWRCB launched an initiative to develop water quality objectives to address the impacts of nutrients and biostimulatory substances in California water bodies. The initiative, termed the Nutrient Numeric Endpoint (NNE) framework, involves developing numeric endpoints that will serve as guidance in translating narrative water quality objectives for nutrients and biostimulatory substances. These endpoints are based on indicators of the ecological response to eutrophication, rather than measures of nutrient concentration or loading. In addition to numeric endpoints, the NNE framework includes development of tools that link these biological endpoints with nutrient loads and other potential management controls for Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development and implementation. The NNE framework has been developed for lakes and streams (EPA 2006). In 2007, the NNE framework was translated to California estuaries; critical data gaps and research required for E-NNE development were identified (EPA 2007). Among these data gaps was the need for additional studies to identify the relationship between opportunistic marine macroalgae biomass (i.e. Ulva spp.) and adverse effects to benthic infauna on mudflats, with the intent of using this relationship to establish a numeric endpoint for regulating the effects of eutrophication in shallow enclosed bays and perennially tidal lagoons. The assumption is that reduced benthic infaunal diversity and abundance reduces the successful foraging of estuarine resident and migratory birds and estuarine fish, thus impacting MIGR, RARE, EST, MAR, WILD, COMM et al. beneficial uses.

Visit #25645 @Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve


Under Project # 23889 | Research

Development of Macroalgal Assessment Framework

research_scientist - University of California, Los Angeles

Reservation Members(s)

Lauri Green Jul 5 - Sep 25, 2011 (83 days)
Lauri Green Jul 5 - Sep 25, 2011 (83 days)
Group of 4 Undergraduate Student Jul 5 - Sep 25, 2011 (83 days)
Lauri Green Jul 5 - Sep 25, 2011 (83 days)

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