All of the field research associated with this project takes place in Humphreys Basin, John Muir Wilderness, Sierra National Forest. Invasions of exotic species into ecosystems worldwide have exploded during the past several decades, often causing large alterations to community structure and ecosystem function. As a consequence, exotic species are increasingly the focus of both basic and applied research. The proposed research examines how ecosystems respond, not to invasion, but to the elimination of an exotic species. Specifically, this proposal examines the recovery of alpine lake systems in the Sierra Nevada, California, after the eradication of exotic trout. The first major objective of the proposed research asks whether vertebrate and invertebrate species native to alpine lakes return after the removal of exotic fish. This objective is addressed using a long-term whole-lake experiment in which exotic fish have been successfully removed from three experimental lakes, while fish stocking continues in three control lakes. Under this proposal, monitoring of faunal assemblages in these six lakes, monitoring begun in 1996 before fish eradication, will continue in order to determine the rate of recovery and to better understand the life history attributes of species that facilitate or hinder recovery. The second major objective is to investigate how changes in species assemblages influence the functioning of these alpine lake ecosystems. For example, the return of amphibians and large zooplankton species after fish removal may profoundly influence nutrient levels and production of algae. To meet this objective, we will continue the limnological monitoring of the whole-lake experiment to evaluate changes in nutrients and algal biomass following fish removal. The results of this study have important implications for the restoration of aquatic ecosystems worldwide.

Visit #999 @Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory


Under Project # 860 | Research

Recovery of Alpine Lakes After Exotic Species Removal

research_scientist - University of California, Santa Barbara

Reservation Members(s)

Roland Knapp Jun 30, 2003 - Jun 29, 2004 (366 days)
Roland Knapp Jun 30, 2003 - Jun 29, 2004 (366 days)

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