Because many of the known and suspected SI species in the poppy family possess highly variable floral displays and reproductive structures, I intend to identify the site and timing of pollen tube arrest during incompatible reactions in various species using fluorescence microscopy. The annual species Papaver rhoeas possesses a large disc-like stigmatic structure while species such as Argemone munita possess a stigma that rests upon a long stylar like-structure. Because Papaver rhoeas has no style and the incompatibility reaction is known to occur quickly on the surface of the stigma, the pollen tubes do not have to elongate far to fertilize the ovary of the plant. This would not seem to be the case with Argemone munita where the pollen tube must penetrate a considerable distance to fertilize its ovaries. Fluorescence microscopy will be conducted following both hand-pollinations of selfed and outcrossed individuals in the field. It will be necessary to place mesh bags over these individuals or their flowers to prevent insect pollinator visitation before and after experimental pollinations. Gynoecia will be removed after 24 hours, placed in alcohol, and later stained and examined for pollen tube growth using aniline blue and fluorescence microscopy. Small amounts of stigmatic and leaf tissue of Argemone munita will be collected from approximately 30-40 individuals and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen to be used for molecular and genealogical analyses of S-alleles. Plants will be left intact following tissue collection, but may be marked with tags for later reference. Because Argemone munita is a perennial species, field hand-pollinations may also be conducted to recover S-alleles using PCR techniques while maintaining them for several generations as ?maternal lines.? Marked and genotyped individuals in the field can then be used for controlled crosses to determine normal or irregular segregation of alleles among progeny. During this period of ovule/seed development, it is crucial that these individual flowers are protected by mesh bags from pollinators to prevent uncontrolled fertilization. Seeds will then be collected upon development from plants that were hand pollinated. These seeds will then be grown at the UCSD Greenhouse Facility and genotyped using PCR and DNA sequencing.

Visit #9408 @Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory


Under Project # 6370 | Research

Population genetics of self-incompatibility in Argemone munita

graduate_student - University of California, San Diego

Reservation Members(s)

Timothy Paape Apr 29 - May 6, 2006 (8 days)
Timothy Paape Apr 29 - May 6, 2006 (8 days)

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Q2 2 Apr 29 - May 6, 2006