I will use mature shrubs purchased last year from native plant nurseries recommended by the California Native Plant Society within the Sierra Nevada of each of the following species: Amelanchier alnifolia, Cornus nuttalli, Lonicera involucrata, Ribes nevadense, and Rubus parviflorus. All are focal shrub species that I found in my survey plots. Ribes nevadense is restricted to mountainous regions of California, a few counties in northwestern Nevada, and one county in Oregon. Cornus nuttalli is restricted to west coast states, Idaho, and British Columbia, Canada. The other two species are widespread through the western US and Canada. Shrubs are currently stored for the winter at University of California Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory field station in Mammoth Lakes, CA. I will repeat the experiment I set up last summer: I will confine 20 shrubs of each of the species within individual greenhouses to be subjected to elevated temperatures. Twenty control temperature shrubs of each species will be placed within mesh exclosures. I will subject 10 of the elevated temperature shrubs of each species and 10 of the control temperature shrubs of each species to drought level precipitation, using a clear roof to ensure natural rainfall does not reach the plant. All else about the care of the shrubs will be kept constant, e.g. fertilization. I will monitor the temperature of all shrubs with iButton temperature data loggers, which will be supplemented with four HOBO micro station data loggers for monitoring specific humidity and solar radiation. These four loggers will be rotated between all greenhouses and mesh exclosures. I will hand-pollinate flowers one day after they have fully opened so as to most closely mimic timing of fruiting even in the event of advanced flowering.

Visit #57040 @Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory


Under Project # 35232 | Research

Resistance of seed dispersal networks to temporal mismatch

graduate_student - University of Connecticut

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Manette Sandor May 20 - 27, 2018 (8 days)
Manette Sandor Sep 23 - 27, 2018 (5 days)

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Lodging (nightly) 1 May 21 - 26, 2018
Lodging (nightly) 1 Sep 23 - 27, 2018