Trout impacts on Sierran streams: This research, funded by TNC, WRC, and the NPS, examines the impacts of introduced trout on the native biodiversity of streams in the High Sierra (Yosemite NP), as well as the responses of these systems to trout removals (Sequoia NP). These studies will provide guidance to managers interested in maintaining or restoring the native biota of the High Sierra. Effects of selective logging and controlled burns on Sierran streams. This study, funded by the USFS, has collected five years of baseline data on invertebrates in streams in Sequoia National Forest. In the near future, USFS managers and researchers will be exposing entire drainange basins to controlled burns and/or selective logging ("feathering"), with other basins maintained as manipulated controls, and we will be monitoring the responses of invertebrate communities in these streams to fire and forestry manipulations. Impacts of the New Zealand mud snail (NZMS). Recently, Matt Wilson was accepted into the EEMB graduate program at UCSB and plans to do his Master's thesis on the impacts of the invasive NZMS on stream communities in California, building and collaborating on work that David Herbst has done on NZMS on streams and rivers in the eastern Sierra Nevada (e.g., the Owens River). Matt Wilson also will become a part of studies we are doing on the invasion dynamics and impacts of NZMS on streams in coastal southern California.

Visit #17247 @Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory


Under Project # 19536 | Research

Impacts of trout on Sierra Nevada stream communities

faculty - University of California, Santa Barbara

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Scott Cooper Feb 15 - 22, 2009 (8 days)
Scott Cooper Feb 15 - 22, 2009 (8 days)

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Q8 2 Feb 15 - 22, 2009