Directed Graduate Studies in the Geosciences, GEOL 593 This proposal requests the use of dormitory/kitchen space (or Q8 house if available) at SNARL from March 29 to April 2, 2008 during a geologic field excursion to the Long Valley regions of California as part of the graduate course entitled, "Directed Graduate Studies in the Geosciences (GEOL 593)", offered through the Department of Geological Sciences at California State University, Fullerton. One university professor will lead this activity (Brandon Browne) with 2 graduate students (2 males) currently enrolled in the course and pursuing Masters Degrees related to eastern California volcanism. We request housing space for our group so that we may prepare and cook meals during our 4-night stay. Of course, we fully understand that our group is responsible for our own food, bedding, towels, vehicles, and equipment. We also understand our responsibility to leave SNARL in better condition (clean and orderly) as when we arrived. Field areas to be explored on this field trip include the Mono-Inyo Volcanic Chain, particularly Obsidian Dome and Deadman Dome. The overlying aim of this field trip includes description and sampling of volcanic rocks that record the mixing of two magma compositions immediately prior to eruption as a means of determining if the mixing process itself "triggered" the eruptions. Little/no impact to local plants and animal populations is expected from this activity (we will take appropriate measures to minimize our impact on local plants and animal populations). I apologize for the VERY late notice of this proposal, but a rare scheduling opportunity exists during these 4 days that we would like to capitalize on. If this activity as planned is not successfully accepted by SNARL, we will tent camp at the Chalk Bluffs site near Bishop. We sincerely hope that room exists at SNARL for our brief visit.

Visit #14902 @Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory


Under Project # 9799 | Class

CSUF - Directed Graduate Studies in the Geosciences

faculty - Humboldt State University (CSU)

Reservation Members(s)

Brandon Browne Mar 29 - Apr 2, 2008 (5 days)
Group of 2 Undergraduate Student Mar 29 - Apr 2, 2008 (5 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Dorm 3 Mar 29 - Apr 2, 2008
Q8 3 Mar 29 - Apr 2, 2008