Purpose: To evaluate the physical and biological properties of Sierra Nevada sub-alpine lakes that determine ultraviolet-B attenuation in the water column, and link these to human impacts and/or land uses. Description: The goal of this project is to generate a dataset of UV attenuation and physical/chemical features for as many lakes of the eastern Sierra Nevada as possible, spanning a range of human impacts and land uses from designated wilderness areas to easily-accessible, heavily-impacted lakes. The geographic area sampled will include areas between Lake Tahoe and Mammoth, mostly outside the reserve. All will be at least 4000 feet elevation. At each lake, a profile will be made for solar downwelling radiation profile (Ocean Optics spectroradiometer to 13m) and temp/DO/cond (YSI to 30m). In addition, approximately 5 liters of whole water will be sampled using a van Dorn bottle and transported on ice to the lab. In the lab, whole water will be fractionated using pre-combusted filters. Filtered water will be stored for later analysis of dissolved organic carbon and UV absorbance. A sub-sample of water will be filtered and frozen for later chlorophyll analysis. A larger volume of water will be filtered onto pre-weighed filters, dried overnight at 60C, and re-weighed for total suspended solids. Resource Needs: Housing for Marwood (PI), Kerteston and baby Fern - 26 June through 2 July, and 9 July through 16 July; refrigerator space (<2 cu ft); freezer space (<1L); and access to vacuum pump, muffle oven, dry convection oven (~60C), 4-point analytical balance. If available: long-path absorbance spectrophotometer. Use of all equipment will be intermittent (approx every third day).

Visit #1375 @Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory


Under Project # 1148 | Research

UV attenuation in sub-alpine lakes

faculty - University of California, Santa Barbara

Reservation Members(s)

Christopher Marwood Jun 26 - Jul 16, 2003 (21 days)
Christopher Marwood Jun 26 - Jul 16, 2003 (21 days)
Christopher Marwood Jun 26 - Jul 16, 2003 (21 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Lab 1 3 Jun 26 - Jul 16, 2003