Each fall, our school ( a residential high school) sends our students on different outdoor trips for a week, designed to promote class unity, interconnections between faculty and students, and awareness/appreciation of our natural environment. Additional goals include, but are not limited to, development of leadership skills (there is a leadership curriculum throughout the four years), of leave no trace camping ethics and an awareness of our responsibility as stewards of the planet, and of developing a better understanding not to see ourselves as separate from the natural world, but instead a part of it. In their senior year, many students elect to use the week to visit colleges and thus do not participate on the Outings Week. A significant chunk of the class opts to participate on the underclassmen trips to serve as peer leaders in the field (and this is a volunteer assignment, not required). The remaining students embark on an Outings Week of their own. For the past many years, we have been using the facilities at Scorpion for a base camp. From there, seniors explore the ocean environment via sea kayak and use the campsites as base for land-based hiking as well. It is not a wilderness trip like our other options, but we feel strongly that we would like to provide an opportunity for our students to experience and enjoy the Channel Islands, since it is such a distinctive landmark and visual icon that they have experienced from afar during their four years at Cate. Last year, our week ran in conflict with the annual Chumash ceremony, and we were unable to stay at Scorpion for the duration of our week. We booked reservations through the Santa Cruz Island Reserve for the dates that overlapped the Chumash event. The students explored different parts of the interior of the Island and different beaches inaccessible via Scorpion. The trip was incredibly well received; the opportunity to see firsthand this unique environment and to learn of its rich natural history had a profound effect on both the students and the faculty who attended. The visit was so successful that we would love to incorporate a similar stay into our future trips. I am happy to include more formalized descriptions of trip goals in the context of our entire program. This trip is designed not with extensive leadership or academic goals in mind. Rather, it is designed to provide our students with a chance to better understand and appreciate the natural jewel we have in our own backyard, and by exploring different parts of the Island, they can see, firsthand, the incredible responsibility we have to preserve this and all natural spaces. We were so grateful for the opportunity to use your facilities this past September, and we hope to continue to do so in the future. Please let me know if you need more specific information from me.

Visit #55667 @Santa Cruz Island Reserve


Under Project # 36096 | Public Use

Cate School 12 Grade Exploration of Santa Cruz Island

k_12_instructor - Cate School

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 1 K-12 Instructor Sep 6 - 5, 2018 (0 days)
Paul Denison Sep 6 - 9, 2018 (4 days)
Group of 9 K-12 Student Sep 6 - 9, 2018 (4 days)
Tim Smith Sep 6 - 9, 2018 (4 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Regular Bunkroom 11 Sep 6 - 9, 2018
Vehicle Use - By Day 1 Sep 6 - 8, 2018
Dock to Reserve Round-Trip 11 Sep 6 - 9, 2018
Vehicle Mileage 39 Sep 6 - 8, 2018
Day Use Only 1 Sep 6 (4 hours)