The goal of this research project is to trace the development of Chumash fishing practices during the Middle period in relation to both environmental and technological change. Specifically, this research project will focus upon diachronic change in archaeological fish assemblages from two prehistoric shell middens found on the western coast of Santa Cruz Island, an area of the island known to have been occupied during both the Middle and Late periods of Chumash prehistory. The relationship between site location and available resources will be explored, as will be season of site usage. By reconstructing changes in the prehistoric fishery of the Middle period, it may be possible to detect the introduction of new fishing technologies and their subsequent impact on fishing strategy and productivity. Paleoenvironmental data generated from the recovered faunal remains will allow for the reevaluation of the differing hypothesis concerning the nature of environmental stress preceding and during the Middle-to-Late Transition. Through this project, light may be shed upon the larger issues of archaeological interest, including the process of resource intensification, the use of faunal remains as proxies for behavioral and environmental change, and ultimately the role of intensive fishing in establishing the economic foundations of sociopolitical complexity. The project area is specifically located on western Santa Cruz Island and consists of the coastal plain found between Black Point and Forney's Cove. At this point in the project no additional archaeological samples will be collected (although some previously collected samples will be removed from the island for analysis). Several visits will be neccessary in order to complete the documenation of the prehistoric resources in this area. Documentation will be non destructive and will consist of photography, resource mapping, and official recordation of additional cultural resources found within the project area. Each visit will consist of the principal investigator and a small crew of undergraduate assistants and volunteers (2-4 individuals). The crews will stay either at Christie Ranch or at the West End Field Station (near Rancho Nuevo). Some pedestrian survey will take place within the project area in order to locate archaeological sites for documention.

Visit #1991 @Santa Cruz Island Reserve


Under Project # 1587 | Research

University of California Santa Barbara - Anthropology

graduate_student - University of California, Santa Barbara

Reservation Members(s)

Peter Paige Oct 10 - 12, 2003 (3 days)
Group of 2 Volunteer Oct 10 - 12, 2003 (3 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Dorm 3 Oct 10 - 12, 2003
Pickup Truck 3 Oct 10 - 12, 2003