To determine degree of mobility on Santa Cruz Island during the Early Holocene, I propose to investigate the four identified Early Holocene Sites on Santa Cruz Island, SCRI-109, SCRI-549, SCRI-691, and SCRI-798. The research will include 1) column sampling of the midden deposits at all sites; 2) excavation at all four sites; 3) chronological control using C-14 dating; 4) quantitative analysis of faunal, floral and tool assemblages; 5) refinement of paleoenvironmental models using archaeobotanical remains; 6) site seasonality determinations using seasonality indicators and oxygen isotope analysis of mollusc shells; 7) tool production and maintenance analyses; 8) density and diversity analyses that include use of the DIVERS statistical analysis program (Kintigh 1984, 1989). This research trip will include excavations at SCRI-109. This site is located on a promontory on a southern shore of the west end of the island, adjacent to one of the highest-ranked watersheds on Santa Cruz Island (Kennett 2005:Figure 3.7). This is a large site with extensive Middle Holocene deposits, suggesting that this was an important residential base during this later time period (Glassow et al. 2008). The Early Holocene sample collected from this site was derived from three strata with a total volume of 112.72 liters. A ravine bisecting the midden has exposed an erosional profile a few hundred meters in length. This erosional profile shows that most of the midden accumulated in broad lenses, typically no more than 20 cm thick and not always clearly defined (Glassow et al. 2008:13). A Wavy turban shell (Lithopoma undosum) and a black abalone shell collected from the basal layers of two separate column samples have returned radiocarbon dates of 8828 calBP and 8420 calBP, respectively (Glassow et al. 2008:Table 2). Additional radiocarbon dates will be needed to clearly distinguish this Early Holocene stratum from deposits dating later in time. Because there is a substantial deposit on top of the Early Holocene stratum, excavation units at this site will take advantage of the erosional profile and will target only the Early Holocene strata. The excavation units will therefore be extreme in length along the ravine wall, but shallow. Four units will be placed along the ravine wall, each measuring 8 m in length and 50 cm in width. Previous testing at the site indicates that the Early Holocene stratum is approximately 10 cm thick. Any natural stratification will be followed and any additional strata identified will be excavated in levels no more than 10 cm thick.

Visit #18957 @Santa Cruz Island Reserve


Under Project # 7883 | Research

Early Maritime Hunter-Gatherer Occupation and the Initial Human Migration into the New World, Santa Cruz Island, California

faculty - Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 3 Graduate Student Sep 17 - 21, 2009 (5 days)
Amy Gusick Sep 17 - 21, 2009 (5 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Dorm 4 Sep 17 - 21, 2009
Jeep 4 Sep 17 - 21, 2009
Pickup Truck 4 Sep 17 - 21, 2009