The use of the center is for the Channel Islands Sanctuary Advisory Council's (SAC) Annual Retreat. We will be staying both Tuesday and Wednesday night. We are requesting the use of the dorms and sleeping quarters. We will be bringing our own cook and food, and will be happy to provide for those staff members/researchers that are already at the center, like Lyndal. We do not plan on conducting any research or disturbing any eco-systems. This is an annual retreat that we have taken at the center on Santa Cruz Island every year for the past several years. We would also be very gracious if Lyndal could maybe provide a brief tour or summary of the research that does occur on the islands and the history. This is a retreat for our Sanctuary Adivisory Council who volunteer their time for the Channel Islands Sanctuary. The group that is sponsering this retreat, the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS) is a branch of the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration(NOAA), a federal government agency. Our estimated number of participants may vary, because all of our SAC members have jobs and responsabilities that may interfere with our scheduled Center time. We will have an exact count of participants by the beginning of September. We would like to know what the maximum number of participants that we are allowed to bring. We will be shuttleing people to the island via our research vessel the Shearwater and a Chartered boat from Santa Barbara Harbor. All participants will be adult, and no special arrangements or accesses are neccessary. Thank you for the use of your center in the past years and we look forward to this upcoming retreat.

Visit #1846 @Santa Cruz Island Reserve


Under Project # 1494 | Public Use


professional - Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 7 Other Oct 27 - 29, 2003 (3 days)
Group of 25 Volunteer Oct 27 - 29, 2003 (3 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Dorm 32 Oct 27 - 29, 2003
Jeep 32 Oct 27 - 29, 2003
Pickup Truck 32 Oct 27 - 29, 2003