One of fourteen known Santa Cruz Island sea-cliff bedstraw (Galium buxifolium) populations is on the sea bluffs of the southeast arm of Pelican Bay. This is the largest of the populations, and is the only one where the bedstraw is spreading upwards from the vertical cliff face onto the bluff crest and terrace edge. Sea-cliff bedstraw is listed as threatened by the federal government. The bedstraw occurrence parallels the bluff edge, occupying about 600 square meters. The invasive ornamental vine, giant periwinkle (Vinca major), is spreading into the bedstraw and the recovering coastal bluff scrub, choking out the bedstraw and other native plants. The periwinkle also occupies about 600 square meters, overlapping about one-third of the bedstraw population, and spreading beyond it to the northeast. We are beginning a project to control periwinkle at the site using herbicide, 2008-2009. Our project objectives are to control periwinkle at the site, so that the bedstraw and other natives have a chance to recover. Since a portion of the periwinkle is on the bluff face where treatment would be unsafe, we do not anticipate eliminating all of the periwinkle from the site unless it can be done safely. Rather, our goal is to eliminate the periwinkle from within the bedstraw population and recovering coastal bluff scrub boundaries wherever we can safely apply herbicide. We anticipate that killing periwinkle where it is in direct contact with the majority of the bedstraw and other natives will result in increased native plant frequency in the habitat and recruitment and population growth in the bedstraw. We will monitor the periwinkle kill-rate, along with plant community composition and bedstraw demographic response 2008-2009. The USGS study plan (McEachern et al 2007) outlines the treatment and monitoring approach, and the USFWS issued a Biological Opinion authorizing this work in 2007(USFWS). The work is funded by a USFWS grant to the Santa Barbara County Weed Management Area for Channel Islands Restoration time and travel expenses for the team, and in-kind staff time and materials contributions by USGS, NPS, TNC and Growing Solutions, Inc. We visited the site as a team on October 16, 2007, to see the site as a team, and discuss details of herbicide application and monitoring, timing and logistics. We developed a list of action-items and a preliminary herbicide application and monitoring schedule, and general agreement on roles and responsibilities. This Action Plan follows up on that site visit. Fiscal Year 2007 ? On-site meeting at Pelican Bay with USGS, NPS and CIR personnel to plan, train and familiarize detailed protocol; install photopoints. ? Early spring: Perform initial V. major cover monitoring and start herbicide application. ? Mid spring to early summer: Complete herbicide application on V. major infestation. ? Summer: USGS monitor G. buxifolium demography and V. major cover. Fiscal Year 2008 ? Late winter or early spring: Conduct V. major line-intercept cover monitoring and evaluate efficacy of eradication techniques. ? Early spring to early summer: Perform follow up spot treatments, if shown to be effective. ? Summer: USGS monitor G. buxifolium demography and V. major cover. ? Perform follow up spot treatments, as needed.

Visit #14125 @Santa Cruz Island Reserve


Under Project # 9240 | Research

Vinca major eradication from Galium buxifolium population, Pelican Bay

professional - Channel Islands National Park

Reservation Members(s)

Group of 2 Research Scientist/Post Doc Dec 29 - 31, 2007 (3 days)
Group of 3 Volunteer Dec 29 - 31, 2007 (3 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Dorm 5 Dec 29 - 31, 2007
Private Room 5 Dec 29 - 31, 2007