The purpose for this western study is to further advance the science of monitoring and to demonstrate the application of core tools from EMAP in monitoring and assessment across the West. The Western Geographic Study will serve to advance both the science of monitoring and the application of monitoring to policy, provide an opportunity to push the science and its application to new levels, both in terms of the type of systems addressed (mountainous and arid systems) and the size of the region covered (essentially one third of the conterminous U.S.), and demonstrate the application of EMAP designs in answering the urgent and practical assessment questions facing the western EPA Regional Offices, while framing these unique studies in a methodology that can be extended to the entire nation. The following three objectives guide EMAP research activities 1- Estimate the current status, extent, changes and trends in indicators of the condition of the nations ecological resources on a regional basis with known confidence 2- Monitor indicators of pollutant exposure and habitat condition and seek associations between human-induced stresses and ecological condition. 3- Provide periodic statistical summaries and interpretive reports on ecological status and trends to resource managers and the public The primary objectives of the Western Pilot Study (EMAP-WP), the surface waters component of the Western Geographic Study are to: 1- Develop the monitoring tools (biological indicators, stream survey design, estimates of reference condition) necessary to produce unbiased estimates of the ecological condition of surface waters across a large geographic area (or areas) of the west 2- Demonstrate those tools in a large scale assessment The goal of EMAP-WP is to provide answers to three general assessment questions: 1. What proportion of stream and river miles in the U.S. are in acceptable (or poor) biological condition? 2. What is the relative importance of potential stressors (habitat modification, sedimentation, nutrients, temperature, grazing, timber harvest, etc.) in streams and rivers across the West? 3. With what stressors are streams and rivers in poor biological condition associated?

Visit #1254 @Santa Cruz Island Reserve


Under Project # 1053 | Research

California Department of Fish and Game/OSPR - Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP)

research_scientist - California Department of Fish and Game

Reservation Members(s)

Jennifer York Jun 3, 2003 (1 days)
Group of 3 Research Scientist/Post Doc Jun 3, 2003 (1 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Day Use Only 4 Jun 3 (9 hours)
Pickup Truck 4 Jun 3 (9 hours)