Although it was determined that a serotiny threshold (80◦ -130◦) exists for cones in all stands on SCI despite differences in cone morphology, of which is thought to demonstrate the response evolutionarily of the three stands to a like fire regime. The mechanism(s) for germination that may be understood by varying characteristics of a natural fire is still unknown for this species. Although there is evidence for a serotiny gradient, there is no indication that temperatures optimum for maximum cone opening are also most suitable for breaking dormancy and promoting germination of the seeds held within. Several possibilities are likely. Optimum germination may be independent of cone exposure to temperature, be it temperature induced via and artificial source (e.g. lab oven) or that of a natural source (e.g. fire). Evolutionarily, it would be probable to expect where temperatures at the threshold of serotiny the greatest germination will also be demonstrated. It is also possible that chemicals from the smoke rather than temperature trigger germination. Or perhaps there is an interrelated relationship between temperature, smoke, and the substrate post fire that collectively enhance germination. Based on the results of earlier work, I have the developed the following goals and objectives to understand how temperature, fire, smoke, and/or ash leachate might be independently or in combination be linked in breaking dormancy and promoting germination in this species. The goal of this proposal is: 1. To determine the ecological mechanisms that influence germination in this species on the island. To meet the goal of this proposal, the objectives are; 2. To quantify germination as a response variable for each of the three stands for the varying treatments of: (a) method of cone scale opening (e.g. lab oven or fire), (b) level of temperature (e.g. 300, 800, 1300, 1800, or 2300), (c) method of water regime (e.g. tap or leachate), and (d) determination of interrelated factors that may contribute to germination.

Visit #1154 @Santa Cruz Island Reserve


Under Project # 978 | Research

Utah State University - Forest, Range, and Wildlife Sciences

professional - US Geological Survey

Reservation Members(s)

Mara MacKinnon May 30 - Jun 2, 2003 (4 days)
Group of 3 Research Assistant (non-student/faculty/postdoc) May 30 - Jun 2, 2003 (4 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Dorm 4 May 30 - Jun 2, 2003
Jeep 4 May 30 - Jun 2, 2003