Detailed description of environmental manipulations. We will outplant small (7-8 cm) fragments of Acropora pulchra into sediment areas where Holothuria atra are common but with and without their removal from areas around some replicates. We will conduct similar outplants in areas where H. atra are absent (possibly areas with lesser input of organics for stimulating microbes in the sediments). We will place small, cylindrical cages over each coral to prevent fish feeding. These outplants will be monitored daily for signs of bleaching/disease that starts at the base and works its way up the outplant. In Moorea, frequency and extent of disease was significantly correlated with removal of sea cucumbers and with algal raft input of organics to the sediments. we will take samples of the sediments w/ and w/o sea cucumber removal to determine how sedimentary microbiomes change and small (1-2 ml volumes) chips from the coral outplants to compare micribiomes of healthy vs diseased corals to see if we find the same patterns on Tetiaroa (an atoll) versus Moorea (a high island with more human impact). At the end of the experiment, cages will be removed and healthy coral sections planted back into areas populated by Acropora pulcra. Area of the reserve to visit or conduct manipulations in. We will want your guidance in selecting areas. On my previous visit to Tetiaroa, I noted high densities of H. atra in several areas near the airport runway and and the staff housing. I also noted areas where A. pulchra was healthy, in direct contact wiht sediments, yet no H atra were in that area. These appeared to be "cleaner" areas where sediments appeared to contain less organic material (possibly areas receiving more oceanic waters where the sediments were kept clean due to flow or wave motion. However, my impressions were from one short visit. I will want to consult with those of you that have a longer-term understanding of the conditions on different areas of the island, their consistency over time, etc. Thus, we are VERY willing to take suggestions from the guides and staff on positioning. Additionally, there appeared to be numerous places where we could do this from shore of kayaks. Those areas my be advantageous if there is competition for boat use.

Visit #78383 @Tetiaroa Society Ecostation


Under Project # 50137 | Research


faculty - Georgia Institute of Technology

Reservation Members(s)

Mark Hay Jul 25 - Aug 1, 2022 (8 days)
Joseph (Joe) Montoya Jul 25 - Aug 1, 2022 (8 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Ecostation Rate 2 Jun 25 - Jul 1, 2022
wet lab 2 Jun 25 - Jul 1, 2022
dry lab 2 Jun 25 - Jul 1, 2022
Ferry: Tahiti-Tetiaroa 2 Jun 25 - Jul 1, 2022
Ferry: Tetiaroa-Tahiti 2 Jun 25 - Jul 1, 2022
Ecostation Rate 2 Jun 25 - Jul 1, 2022
wet lab 2 Jun 25 - Jul 1, 2022
dry lab 2 Jun 25 - Jul 1, 2022
Ferry: Tahiti-Tetiaroa 2 Jun 25 - Jul 1, 2022
Ferry: Tetiaroa-Tahiti 2 Jun 25 - Jul 1, 2022
Ecostation Rate 2 Jun 25 - Jul 1, 2022